9 Times Photoshop Saved Vacation Photos (& How It Can Save Yours, Too)


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Your recent vacation was one of the best experiences of your entire life. Now you’re ready to revisit those vibes by flipping through your photos.

Uh oh! It turns out that some of your pictures turned out less than perfect — maybe there’s a seagull photobomb in a family portrait, or a stray cloud made its way across an otherwise blue, sunny sky.

Luckily, there’s a way to fix that: You can use Adobe Photoshop and the Generative Fill/Expand function to remove unwanted objects or people, enhance your backgrounds, and make the photo evidence of your trip match the idealized version you remember.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Hilarious examples of Generative Fill/Expand saving awkward photos

We’ve all been there: you’re in the middle of the perfect moment and someone snaps a photo, only for a surprise to pop up and risk ruining the preserved memory.

Not anymore! Avoid photo fails with the power of Generative Fill/Expand, one of the best ways to remove distracting or embarrassing elements from vacation pics. Even if there’s nothing wrong with the photo, you can correct minor imperfections and enhance backgrounds for all kinds of situations, such as:

Is your ex making that great photo unusable? You got them out of your life, we can get them out of your photos.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Bump, set, missed spike?

We’ll edit the volleyball back into frame at the perfect height to make you look like a pro.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Tomato-red sunburn ruining your beach look?

We’ll retouch that red shade into a radiant, envy-inducing tan.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Is a trash can invading your frame during your cute family photo shoot?

We’ll digitally remove that trash, leaving only sun-kissed smiles.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Randoms ruining the vibe of your candid ice cream vacay shot?

We’ll take those passersby right out, leaving just you and that drool-worthy scoop.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Other skiers photobombing your child’s inaugural mountain run?

With a few clicks, we’ll make those background stragglers disappear faster than melting snow.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Random person pulling the ultimate photobomb on your perfect couple shot?

One edit and that unwanted guest star will vanish like they were never there.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Pesky BBQ sauce making a surprise appearance?

We’ll virtually remove that offending blemish like it never even happened.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Dreary day making your beach photos look dull?

Photoshop to the rescue. We’ll inject some brilliant blue and azure sky magic with billowing clouds.

Image Credit: Adobe.

Remove unwanted elements in a few clicks

Generative Fill is a powerful tool that lets you remove unwanted people and objects from your vacation photos. Say goodbye to photobombers, power lines, and other distracting elements to create natural-looking replacements for the area in question.

How does it work? It may feel like magic, but it’s the power of technology:

  1. Use your favorite selection tool to choose the part of the image you want to adjust.
  2. Select Generative Fill from the Contextual Task Bar or find it in the application bar under Edit > Generative Fill. Love keyboard shortcuts? Hit Ctrl/CMD + click on an active selection.
  3. Leave the text-entry prompt blank if you want to base the fill on the surroundings in your image.

Remember, you can improve the results by avoiding a tight selection in your image. Some overlap can enable seamless blending, too!

Image Credit: AndreyPopov/istockphoto.

Generate stunning backgrounds

If you’d prefer to imagine your recent vacation taking place in a more exotic locale, Generative Fill/Expand can help make that dream happen, too. You can also add elements to the image, such as people or animals. Finally, you can use Generative Fill/Expand to fix cropping issues and expand the photo’s background further. Just take the following steps:

  1. Select the background behind your main subject (Select > Subject, Select > Inverse)
  2. Choose Generative Fill from the Contextual Task Bar, application bar, or CTRL / Right + Click the active selection)
  3. Add the text prompt for your new or enhanced background. If you leave the text bar blank, Photoshop will use the existing surroundings to provide context. Prefer something out of this world? Try out prompts like “on the surface of Mars” or “in front of the Eiffel tower.”
  4. Generate variations of your prompt. New Generative Layers are always created in the Layers panel, so you can bring up the Properties panel to show your prompt, mask, and variations — all without impacting the original image.

Image Credit: SeventyFour/istockphoto.

Fix common photo imperfections

For pictures where everything is great except one minor detail, Generative Fill/Expand can fix those minor imperfections to create the ideal photographic reproduction of your moment in time. Use Generative Fill/Expand to refinish and retouch images by removing dust spots and scratches. You can even straighten the horizon or touch up darker areas with prompts like “brighten the background” or “add more sunlight” to shine some much-needed light on your photo’s subjects.

Image Credit: SeventyFour/istockphoto.

Make lackluster travel photos picture-perfect

Your vacation was a dream come true. Your photos should be just as breathtaking. Use the Generative Fill/Expand function in Adobe Photoshop to edit your travel photos like a pro. With this powerful tool, you can transform lackluster images into perfectly shareable memories.

This article originally appeared on Adobe.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.

Image Credit: teksomolika/Istockphoto.

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