This may be the best 1980s music parody ever


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The weekend is upon us and we need a dose of optimism and energy.

Cue New Kids On The Block (weren’t expecting that were you?)!

THEY’RE BAAAAAAACK…and they brought friends.

New Kids On The Block were one of the biggest bands of their era, with hits like ‘The Right Stuff” and “Hangin’ Tough.” They were their own musical phenomenon and took the party wherever they went, followed by a million screaming school girls crying and fainting, Beatles fan style. It was a mess…a really fun mess.

When The New Kids broke up in 1994, hearts were crushed and broken all over this great country. We never appreciated their light until we were left in the shadow and it was with great delight we celebrated their reunion in 2008, they’ve been touring since, but what they’ve done now is the best thing they’ve done since they got ….oh, oh, oh, oh-oh, the right stuff (I’m sorry. It couldn’t be helped. I’m not proud of it.)

Their new song “Bring Back the Time” is a love song to our youth. It’s a great big, splattery, lunch lady spoonful of everything 1989. Well, everything ’80s that mattered which we all know was the music, dude ….the music!

Featuring some of the biggest names of the time — Salt N’ Pepa, En Vogue and RICK ASTLEY — it is everything we need to muddle through these dark days.

Check it out and see if you can spot all the musical parodies.
