Legal abortion rates in decline in the US


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The abortion rate in the U.S. has been in steady decline since the 1990s, and both proponents of abortion and anti-abortion activists credit this to the passing of laws restricting women’s access to the procedure, according to reporting by Reuters.

Legal abortion rates in decline in the US

Despite the landmark decision of Roe v. Wade making it a constitutional right in 1973, abortion has remained a battleground in U.S. politics, with states and courts fighting over expanding and restricting access over the years. The Supreme Court, newly stacked with conservative judges, is now set to overturn its own precedent, according to a draft opinion obtained by Politico. Given the option to outlaw abortions, about half of U.S. states are expected to do so.


State restrictions had in the past often targeted the availability of abortions, especially in more rural areas, by limiting the number of clinics that could offer the procedure. More recently, states have started to pass laws to move forward the cutoff date for legally obtaining an abortion – to 15 weeks of gestational age in Mississippi and six weeks of gestational age in Texas (even though the later law has a special setup, calling upon citizens to enforce it). The Mississippi law in question is the one triggering the upcoming Supreme Court decision, as its earlier cutoff date is at odds with the fetal viability standard as the limit for abortions first introduced by Roe v. Wade.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which publish U.S. abortion rates, it was predominantly teenagers 15-19 years old who were having fewer abortions, thereby causing the abortion rate to sink. The group having most abortions in the U.S. is women in their 20s. Roughly 60 percent of women getting an abortion have had a child before. Two thirds of abortions were performed at eight weeks of gestation or earlier.


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States where legal abortion rights would survive the end of Roe v Wade


The Supreme Court is set to overturn its own precedent in Roe v. Wade, according to a draft opinion obtained by Politico. This would end federal protection of legal abortions in all states and instead, each state would vote on whether to permit legal abortions.

Given the option to outlaw abortions, about half of U.S. states are expected to do just that. According to the Guttmacher Institute and the Pew Charitable Trust, abortions would be banned in many states across the South, Midwest and Western United States upon such a decision.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, this would severely limit abortion coverage for women in these areas. The next provider would be more than 200 miles driving distance away in Michigan and Georgia, more than 300 miles away in Montana and Alabama, more than 500 miles away in Texas and Florida and more than 600 miles away in Louisiana in case of the Supreme Court overturning the precedent.

In many Northeastern states and West Coast states, abortion rights are protected by state laws. Some states are currently scrambling to codify abortion rights, for example Vermont.


Bill Chizek / iStock


The case the court is hearing at the moment centers around a Mississippi abortion law that outlaws abortions after 15 weeks. As part of Roe v. Wade and later Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Supreme Court has established fetal viability as a standard for when abortions can be performed. This had previously set the precedent for states allowing abortions up until 22 to 26 weeks of gestational age, which is when a fetus becomes viable outside the womb. Alternatively, states have simply cited viability as a rule – a fact that the Mississippi law is now challenging.

Another possible outcome of the Supreme Court ruling could be that abortion rights will be upheld but the viability standard will fall. This would allow states to set shorter time limits on the procedure. In that case, the same states that would ban abortions can be expected to shorten the time in which an abortion is possible. A recent Texas law has set the cutoff at just six weeks of gestation, which is an example of how drastically some states want to limit abortion time frames. For now, the Texas law has an unprecedented setup, calling on citizens to enforce it, but such a workaround would become unnecessary should the Supreme Court decide to undermine Roe v. Wade.

The Mississippi law actually comes closer to abortion limits set in most European countries (at 14 weeks of gestational age or the end of the first trimester), while the Texas law is far from international standards. Six weeks of gestation equal just four weeks of pregnancy and just three weeks after a missed period.


Here’s how the ruling will likely be reacted to in every state:




Would ban abortion


Sean Pavone


Not expected to ban abortion within a year.




Would ban abortion


Sean Pavone / iStock


Would ban abortion


wellesenterprises / istockphoto


Abortion rights protected by law




Not expected to ban abortion within a year


Postoak at English Wikipedia


Abortion rights protected by law





Abortion rights protected by law


Likely to ban abortion



eyfoto / iStock


Would ban abortion



suesmith2 / istockphoto


Abortion rights protected by law


Art Wager


Would ban abortion





Abortion rights protected by law



venemama / istockphoto


Likely to ban abortion


Would ban abortion





Not expected to ban abortion within a year


Tiago_Fernandez / istockphoto


Would ban abortion


Would ban abortion


Abortion rights protected by law


Abortion rights protected by law



Feverpitched / istockphoto


Abortion rights protected by law





Would ban abortion


Not expected to ban abortion within a year




Would ban abortion





Would ban abortion


Likely to ban abortion


Likely to ban abortion





Abortion rights protected by law



Byelikova_Oksana / istockphoto


Not expected to ban abortion within a year




Abortion rights protected by law


Not expected to ban abortion within a year


Abortion rights protected by law


Not expected to ban abortion within a year


Would ban abortion


Would ban abortion


Would ban abortion




Abortion rights protected by law


Not expected to ban abortion within a year




Abortion rights protected by law


Would ban abortion


Would ban abortion


Would ban abortion




Would ban abortion


Would ban abortion


Abortion rights protected by law



” DonLand”


Not expected to ban abortion within a year




Abortion rights protected by law


Would ban abortion


Would ban abortion


Likely to ban abortion


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Featured Image Credit: Bill Chizek / iStock.
