
What if your spouse doesn’t have – and doesn’t want – life insurance?

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If your spouse doesn’t have life insurance, do you simply respect their wishes and go about your life? On some level, that may sound like a …


Remembering the short-lived 1955 Porsche Continental cabriolet

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Introduced in the fall of 1955, the 356A was the first Porsche with specifications that were different enough from the original to warrant a new model …

FeaturedLifestyleMoneySmall Business

4 productivity tips for business owners from a time-tracking pro

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As a business owner, time tracking may not be top-of-mind. After all, tracking your work and your employees’ work by the hour can feel tedious. But, …


Somebody bought my debt. Do I still have to pay it?

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As if debt wasn’t confusing and frustrating enough as it is, there are times it can be bought and sold almost like any other product. When …


Avoid these 4 design mistakes in your new home

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So you just bought the prettiest home on the block and you’re moving in and getting settled? Congrats! Now it’s time for the best part… the decorating! …


A single mom’s step-by-step guide for getting out of debt

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Are you a single mom who wants to pay off debt for GOOD? If you live with consumer debt, you are not alone. According to U.S. …


The money move that could end your relationship

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Valentine’s Day is all about romance. Many couples spend the holiday showing their appreciation for each other, sharing candy, flowers and other (typically heart-shaped) gifts. But …


How to hit ‘decline’ on spam calls once and for all

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It’s likely happened to you before. A number you’ve never seen pops up on your phone. You answer: It’s the IRS accusing you of tax fraud. …


When is the best time to buy a car?

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According to car ads, it’s always the best time to buy a new ride. For auto dealers and manufacturers, sure, but when is the best time …

FeaturedMoneySmall Business

This is how to bootstrap your startup

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When starting a business, you might think you need a big-time investor to infuse your startup with a large amount of capital. You may even have your …

FeaturedFood & Drink

12 easy ways to get your family to eat more vegetables

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Want your family to eat more vegetables and not complain about it? Our friend Pam Farley of the Brown Thumb Mama is sharing her tricks on how she …


Will self-driving cars cause traffic jams? Researchers think so

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Self-driving cars, meant to ease the commuting conundrums in cities, may create a new problem of their own: traffic jams while trying not to pay for …

FeaturedHealth & FitnessMoney

7 ways to deal with large medical bills

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Large medical bills are a different kind of debt. This is partially because they don’t come from traditional lenders, and because you can be swapped with …


Mortgage inquiry make your credit score drop? Not so fast…

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Mortgage loan officers hear daily from consumers that they don’t want their credit score pulled because they’re worried about their credit score dropping. Unfortunately, the internet is full of …


Cities where retirement-age Americans carry the most & least debt

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While retirement is a life stage most Americans plan for, many aren’t financially prepared for this step. One common obstacle to a sound retirement plan is …

FeaturedMoneySmall Business

Places where minority entrepreneurs are succeeding

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Minority entrepreneurs have a major presence in the U.S. business landscape, as there are about 8 million minority-owned businesses throughout the country. However, not all of …


7 tips for creating the perfect Valentine’s Day date

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With Valentine’s Day soon approaching, romance is in the air. While you can woo your special someone the old-fashioned way, these services can help you stage …

FeaturedMoneySmall Business

Quarterly estimated taxes explained

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Every tax season, individuals and businesses alike are knee-deep in receipts, W-2s, 1099s and state and federal tax forms. Sometimes making sense of your taxes seems …

FeaturedFood & Drink

How to fall in love with bok choy

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There’s nothing more fun than learning to love a new vegetable. Sometimes all we need to incorporate a new veggie into our kitchen rotation is some …


Here’s how to never run out of money

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Most people I meet don’t really care about acquiring great wealth. But everyone wants to make sure they never run out of money. If that resonates with …

FeaturedFood & Drink

This $12 dish is the best comfort food to have in February

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Spaghetti pie might sound strange, but once you give it a try, you’ll add it to the dinner rotation, especially on nights when you feel like …


Rare 1970 Challenger Hemi R/T convertible set for Mecum auction

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A rare piece of Hemi magic, one of just five Challenger R/T Hemi convertibles produced in 1970 with 4-speed manual transmissions, will cross the block when …

FeaturedMoneySmall Business

5 tips to get your business off to a strong start

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Starting a business is quite an undertaking. You need an idea and gumption enough to bring it to life. Of course, it takes more than an …


Cheap Valentine’s Day flower ideas your wallet will love

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What do couples fight about all the time? Money. So if you overspend on Valentine’s Day flowers, you could be setting yourself up for another money fight. …


Google Assistant could soon start recognizing your face

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Google Assistant’s ability to recognize users based on their voice could soon expand to include face scanning. Such a system could work in a similar way …


4 tips for keeping your data private

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Keeping your data private and protected is crucial. Here are a few quick and easy data privacy-related activities you can do to protect your identity and …

FeaturedMoneySmall Business

Is an open office space good or bad for your business?

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Open office spaces are a hotly debated topic in the realm of workplace modernization. Tearing down cubicle walls and moving people out of individual offices has …


5 signs that you’re not ready to start a business

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For every story about a successful entrepreneur who is living the good life, there are tons of others about those who are barely getting by. There was once …


6 budget-friendly domestic destinations to put on your 2019 travel list

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If one of your resolutions for 2019 is to travel more, but you fear that finances will hold you back, have a little hope: there are …

FeaturedMoneySmall Business

After the startup: 5 tips for staying in business

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Randy Nelson (pictured) has started and sold two successful businesses and is currently the CEO of Gold Dolphins, LLC, which provides coaching for entrepreneurial leaders and CEOs. But …