The death penalty has been used as a punishment for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as Babylon, Greece, and Rome. In the Middle Ages, executions were often brutal and public, with methods ranging from beheading to drawing and quartering.
During the Enlightenment era,Western nations began to shift towards more humane methods of execution and greater use of imprisonment as a form of punishment. In the 20th century, there was a trend towards abolition of the death penalty, with many countries discontinuing its use. However, some countries, particularly in Asia and the Middle East, continue to carry out executions, often in the face of international criticism. The debate over the morality and efficacy of the death penalty continues to this day.
According to Amnesty International’s annual report, here are the countries that carried out the most executions in 2021.
Note: There is a possibility that the actual figures are higher. Some countries intentionally conceal their death penalty practices, while others do not maintain accurate records of executions and death sentences.

15. United Arab Emirates
Number of executions in 2021: 1
Many crimes are punishable by death in the UAE, including murder, drug trafficking, and terrorism-related offenses. The use of the death penalty has been criticized by human rights organizations for its lack of due process and fair trial guarantees, with reports of forced confessions and arbitrary arrests. Despite these criticisms, the UAE government has maintained its support for the death penalty to deter crime and ensure victims’ justice.

14. Qatar
Number of executions in 2021: 1
Compared to other countries on the list, Qatar has a low execution rate where capital punishment is used for crimes such as murder, drug trafficking, and treason. The government has made efforts to improve its human rights record, including implementing a moratorium on the use of the death penalty in 2004. However, Qatar has faced criticism from human rights organizations for its lack of transparency in the criminal justice system and concerns over due process and fair trial guarantees.

13. Japan
Number of executions in 2021: 3
Japan is another country that still uses the death penalty and has made no significant moves towards abolition, despite constant criticism. Capital punishment is used in Japan for serious crimes such as murder and treason. Executions are carried out by hanging and are performed in secrecy, with very little information made available to the public.

12. Botswana
Number of executions in 2021: 3
Botswana, a country in the center of Southern Africa, is known to carry out executions for crimes such as murder and treason. There have been calls for the abolition of the death penalty in Botswana, but the government has yet to take significant steps in that direction.

11. Bangladesh
Number of executions in 2021: 5
Capital punishment is used in Bangladesh for crimes such as murder, treason, and drug trafficking. The method of execution is by hanging.

10. South Sudan
Number of executions in 2021: 9
South Sudan uses capital punishment for crimes such as murder, treason, and terrorism. The method of execution is not publicly known.

9. United States
Number of executions in 2021: 11
Capital punishment is used in the US for crimes such as murder and treason, and is governed by individual states, with some having abolished the death penalty and others retaining it. The methods of execution vary by state, with lethal injection being the most common, followed by electrocution and gas inhalation. The use of the death penalty has been widely criticized by human rights organizations for its lack of due process and fair trial guarantees, as well as concerns over the possibility of executing innocent individuals. Despite these criticisms, the death penalty remains legal in several US states, and there has been a recent trend of increasing executions after a period of declining use.

8. Yemen
Number of executions in 2021: 14
Yemen is known to carry out executions for crimes such as murder, treason, and drug trafficking. The method of execution is by shooting.

7. Iraq
Number of executions in 2021: 17
Capital punishment is used in Iraq for crimes such as terrorism-related offenses, murder, and treason. The method of execution is by hanging.

6. Somalia
Number of executions in 2021: 21
In the East African nation of Somalia, capital punishment is a legal penalty for crimes such as treason, murder, and terrorism-related offenses. The method of execution is not publicly known, but it’s thought to be by shooting.

5. Syria
Number of executions in 2021: 24
The use of the death penalty in Syria is a controversial and highly debated issue. The war-torn country has also become one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises, with widespread violence, displacement, and human rights violations, making it challenging to address issues related to the death penalty. Despite calls for its abolition, the death penalty remains in use in Syria.

4. Saudi Arabia
Number of executions in 2021: 65
The use of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia is a controversial issue, with the country having one of the highest execution rates in the world. Capital punishment is used in Saudi Arabia for crimes such as murder, drug trafficking, and terrorism-related offenses, and the method of execution is usually beheading. The Saudi Arabian justice system is based on a strict interpretation of Islamic law, and the use of the death penalty is seen by some as a necessary component of maintaining social order and deterring crime.

3. Egypt
Number of executions in 2021: 83
Egypt has a long and controversial history of using the death penalty. Capital punishment is used in Egypt for crimes such as murder, treason, and terrorism-related offenses, and the method of execution is by hanging.

2. Iran
Number of executions in 2021: 314
The use of the death penalty has been a contentious issue in Iran, with the country having one of the highest execution rates in the world. It is also one of the few countries in the world where executions can be carried out in public. Capital punishment is used in Iran for crimes such as murder, drug trafficking, and certain forms of dissent and political opposition, and the methods of execution include hanging and stoning.

1. China
Number of executions in 2021: 1000
China has the highest number of executions globally, with thousands of executions taking place each year, though the exact number is classified as a state secret. The death penalty is applied for a wide range of crimes, including nonviolent offenses such as corruption and drug trafficking. The use of the death penalty has been criticized for its lack of transparency and due process, with forced confessions and a lack of independent appeals often being reported. Despite these criticisms, the Chinese government remains supportive of the death penalty as a deterrent against crime.