10 Adam Sandler movies critics hate but audiences love

We searched through the Rotten Tomatoes archives and carefully selected the movies, which were ruthlessly Adam Sandler movies critics hate but audiences love by critics but adored by audiences.

‘Mr. Deeds’ (2002)

The  2002 comedy ‘Mr. Deeds’ received a lukewarm reception from critics,  who deemed it a forgettable and formulaic remake of the 1936 classic  ‘Mr. Deeds Goes to Town’.

Medium Brush Stroke

‘Click’ (2006)

Despite receiving poor reviews from critics, “Click” (2006) was a hit with audiences thanks to its blend of humor and heart.

‘Bedtime Stories’ (2008)

When it comes to Adam Sandler’s family-friendly comedy ‘Bedtime Stories’  (2008), critics and audiences couldn’t be further apart.

Medium Brush Stroke

While the film may not have won over all the critics, audiences were  drawn to the genuine chemistry between Sandler and Barrymore in the 2014  romantic comedy.

‘Blended’ (2014)


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