7 popular money challenges that could actually help you save

A money saving challenge makes saving fun again. Keep on reading to learn more!

100 Envelope Challenge

Number 100 envelopes from 1-100. Each day, put in the amount of cash listed on the envelope. By the end of 100 days, you’ll have $5,050 stashed away.

Setting aside an extra fund for gifts, whether holiday, wedding, or general, keeps money out of sight and mind until you need it.

Medium Brush Stroke

Holiday Helper Fund

52-Week Savings Challenge

The concept is simple. You set aside $1 at week one. Then $2 at week two. By the end of 52 weeks, you’ll have saved $1,378.

Pick a week or weekend and spend money on only necessities in a timeframe). Cut out discretionary spending on non-essentials like clothes, entertainment, and eating out.

Medium Brush Stroke

The No Spend Challenge


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