Many of us have our own opinions when it comes to cuddling and the dynamics that go with it. For example, when you’re cuddling on the couch or in bed, do you like a single arm from your partner around the shoulder? A bear hug wrap?
Some may seek the snuggling to feel secure, consoled and supported (there’s a reason physical touch is considered one of the five primary love languages). Others may not want anyone in their space and could even feel uncomfortable by such an embrace.
Oxytocin specifically is known to cause what’s referred to as “maternal behavior,” meaning it helps drive feelings of love, trust, protectiveness and bonding.
After having that contact with their partner, the women’s oxytocin levels were higher and their blood pressure lower. This showed the simple act of hugging or cuddling can be good for you mentally, putting you at ease.
Experts also say dopamine is one of the chemicals that rises in your body when cuddling, snuggling or hugging. Dopamine is commonly known as the “feel-good” hormone.
Researchers describe serotonin as one of the most important neurotransmitters to affect people’s moods. When the brain releases serotonin, it brings on feelings of optimism, satisfaction and happiness.