How to live better without making more money

These tips for living with very little money have been put together to  show you some light at the end of the tunnel. Simple lifestyle changes  that anyone can do can help you survive right now.

Make A Budget

I would argue that making a budget is the most important step to take toward becoming financially independent.

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Downsizing is one great way to cut costs. What are your biggest  expenses? Housing, running a car, and food takes up the biggest chunk of  most people’s budget.

Buy Second-Hand Clothing

Buying cheap clothes isn’t always cost-effective as they often need  replacing sooner. Buying good quality clothes that last a long time  means saving money in the long term.

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Eat Out Less

Eating out is easily one of the biggest expenses in every budget.  Grabbing lunch at work and going out to eat a few nights a week can add  up to thousands of dollars a year.


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