I tried a sleep coach program. Here’s what happened

I’ve had trouble with sleep for most of my adult life. Initially, it began as difficulty falling asleep, where I would literally just stare at the wall for hours and hours, willing my overactive brain to just calm down for a hot minute.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep issues, ranging from having trouble falling asleep to insomnia and sleep apnea.

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I go to one of the gym’s dedicated sleep coaches to figure out if there was a way to get me back on track with my Z’s.

How sleep coaching works

According to Equinox, their sleep coaches work with each person individually to find the best routine to give them optimized sleep for their lifestyle and schedule.

For example, if you’re a morning workout person, your sleep schedule may look very different from a more sedentary individual who prefers a short walk mid-day.

Meeting with my sleep coach

Before our one-on-one, Rota had me fill out a questionnaire that would help her figure out exactly what my problems were.

The questions were quite extensive, discussing everything from how much I exercise to my most common sleep issues. I had to rank my quality of sleep from one to 10.

Getting to the root of my sleep issues

According to Rota, there were two major culprits for why I was waking up several times during the night.

The first: My nighttime food and TV habits were overstimulating my brain.  The second: I was actually spending too much time in bed.


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