It’s not easy to save money these days. Between student loans, car payments and rent, it can seem like there is no way to put anything away for the future.
But if you really want to make an effort to save money one of the best places to start is by cutting back on what you buy, even things that you think you need.
We all have our weaknesses (I’m looking at you, tech upgrades). Here are 55 items you should stop buying in order to save money.
Stop spending money on bottled water. It’s expensive and wasteful. Not only are you paying a premium price for the bottle, but then there’s all that plastic to deal with too.
Here is the data on making impulse purchases and the huge difference it makes when you shop often grocery stores:
Working out is incredibly important for your physical and mental health, but if you’re paying a premium price for a gym membership it might just be getting in the way of saving money.