22 epic (but totally doable) things to try in 2022

For those of us tired of pretending to do things like “learn a new language” or “Marie Kondo that deep, dark closet corner,” we’ve put together a list of 22 actually epic, doable things to try out in 2022.


Doga is apparently yoga that you can “do” with your favorite four-legged pal. Just know that not all dogs will be willing to participate in poses outside of downward dog. 


Zorbing involves rolling around in a padded clear ball. You can safely roll down a hill, into other zorbers or even just take a leisurely “zorb” around the neighborhood.

Competitive sleeping

Did you know that you can register for the World Sleep Championships? If you’re a serious snoozer, this could be a great way to spend your 2022!

Extreme ironing

Extreme ironing just means that you pack up your good ole iron and board and get at those wrinkles in weird, remote locations, like while water skiing or atop a rock formation you just climbed.

Cocktails & bartending

Host some cocktail parties to either learn the art of drink-making with friends or to help teach friends how to make their own cocktails!

Tai Chi or meditation

Tai chi could be a better option if you find yourself having a hard time sitting still, as it’s often dubbed “meditation in motion.”

Learn self-defense through Jiu-Jitsu

Jiu-Jitsu is a form of self-defense martial arts that focuses on ground fighting and grappling. So if you’re looking for some exercise and self-defense techniques, you can straight armbar your way into 2022!

Try to break a world record

If you want to pass the time on your next coffee break, grab a stack of sticky notes and see how many you can stick on your face in 30 seconds.

Eat your way through a cookbook

Grab a cookbook of your choosing and commit to making (and most importantly, eating!) every recipe in it.


According to the great wide interweb, geocaching is a type of giant, GPS-driven hide-and-seek or treasure hunt. Users post coordinates and clues online to help other geocachers find hidden treasures, like coins, books, toys and other usually small and not terribly valuable knick knacks.

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