In what must have been the cutest science experiment of all time, neuroscientists discovered that rats laugh when tickled.
Looking to gain radioactive superpowers? Try a banana! Bananas are very slightly radioactive and are even used to measure doses of radiation. BED stands for Banana Equivalent Dose.
Researchers found that roughly one in every 10,000 chickens is gynandromorphous, meaning they hatch half-male and half-female.
Scientists performed an experiment where they shone a bright light on the backs of people’s knees. Those treated with the light had their biological clocks “advanced or delayed up to three hours.”
The Aztecs founded Tenochtitlan in 1325, but there’s a school that predates them. The University of Oxford became a full-fledged university in 1249.
You can’t sneeze while you sleep. Certain neurotransmitters actually shut down during REM sleep, and your brain can’t receive the signal to sneeze.