Jobs that help pay off a portion of student loans are becoming more common and for a good reason. The average student loan borrower has around $37,000 in student loan debt.
Companies that help to repay a portion of student loans are in the minority, so you may have to do some research to get student loan assistance as a benefit.
Here are some of the jobs that could potentially allow someone to qualify for federal student loan forgiveness programs.
Federal agencies may be allowed to offer student loan assistance as a perk to appeal to candidates. In order to qualify for this student loan repayment assistance.
If you work in the public service sector for a qualifying organization, such as the government or a non-profit, you may qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
In this program, medical professionals must commit to working for at least two years in a Health Professional Shortage Area.
Professionals in the automotive industry may qualify for loan forgiveness through the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Loan Forgiveness Program.
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