Which came first? The history of the chicken nugget

But where exactly did this McNugget come from?

In honor of the McNugget’s 40th anniversary, we dug deep  to track down the history of the McNugget — and, subsequently, the history of the chicken nugget itself.

During World War II, chicken and other poultries became staples in many Americans’ lives as beef became rationed The result of this increase in demand for poultry.

How did chicken join the American diet?

When World War II ended and Americans could more easily purchase beef again, many chicken farmers found themselves facing a decrease in profit.  

This is where McDonald’s entered the equation.

In the 1970s, after more research came out on how many Americans die because of cardiovascular issues, the American government intervened. 

So McDonald’s was forced into the chicken game because it needed a new, healthier alternative to burgers.

So when exactly did McDonald’s make the McNugget?

So when exactly did McDonald’s make the McNugget?

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