Author: Kelly Sagert
Price-to-rent ratio in 52 cities
Better to buy or rent? The price-to-rent ratio helps to gauge affordability in any city, especially for people on the move, and millions of Americans are, …
How to plan for your future
If you were given the choice between having a secure future where you can accomplish goals and achieve dreams or being financially insecure, it’s unlikely …
How to winterize a house
When prepping for winter, it makes sense to seal cracks and holes around doors and windows no matter where you live. If you’re bracing for a …
Understanding the life insurance application process
So, you’ve honed in on the kind of life insurance that fits your situation, the amount you might need and the length of time you predict …
What is life insurance & how does it work?
Life insurance is a type of insurance policy that can provide the policyholder with the reassurance that loved ones will have the financial support they need …
How much life insurance do I need?
The short answer could be to buy enough coverage to help address outstanding debts, while also providing enough money to beneficiaries for their financial needs. The …
Financial advisors: Are they worth the cost?
As with any relationship, the scope and depth of engaging with a financial advisor can vary significantly from one person to the next. One person may …
Buying a home with cash vs a mortgage
In some areas, there simply isn’t enough desirable housing available for the number of interested buyers — and, in these hot spots, buyers will likely find …
Tips for parents who are starting late for college savings
Have you ever asked yourself this question: “When should I start saving for my child’s college?” If so, then the standard advice given is to …
Learning to pay yourself first
Exactly what does it mean to pay yourself first? Overall, it means that your top priority should be to put a certain amount of money into …
9 ways to save money on your utility bills
Unless you go completely off-grid, there isn’t a way to not pay utility bills. Typically, homeowners pay monthly bills for their electricity usage — plus natural …
Is mobile banking safe?
People are increasingly relying upon mobile banking apps. A study shows how they are among the most widely used apps in the United States today, along with social …
5 ways to rebuild your retirement savings
Life happens. A natural disaster, an emergency surgery, a roof leak — all sorts of sudden, unexpected situations could leave you scrambling for funds and needing …
Can I pay off a personal loan early?
Perhaps you’ve gotten a raise or a bonus, and you want to pay off the remaining balance on a personal loan. Is that possible? The short answer …
Should you buy or rent a home? Take the quiz
For many people, buying a home is the biggest financial commitment they’ll ever make in their lifetime, so it makes sense to carefully consider some of …
Tips for parents of college students
When you wave goodbye to your college freshman, you’re likely entering a brand new phase of your relationship with your child. In general, this is a …
Can you buy a car with a credit card?
Here’s the short answer. Yes, you can buy a car with a credit card. The better question may be whether or not this is the best …
What is a financial coach?
A financial coach works with clients to help them manage their money. These clients typically have challenges that have kept them from effectively managing their finances …
What type of investor are you? Take the quiz
Although no two investors are exactly alike, there are patterns of investing and, broadly speaking, there are a variety of investor categories, including: • Passive investor/low-maintenance investor• Active …