Morgan Freeman, one of America’s most beloved actors, has been the go to voice-over actor in Hollywood since the 1994 movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” which he narrated as well as starred in.
While it’s considered by many to be one of the best films ever made, Freeman may be best known as the voice of God — not exactly surprising since he has played God not once, but twice. That’s more than any other actor besides George Burns in the “Oh, God!” movies.
Freeman now has over 20 voiceover credits to his name, including everything from Dave Chappelle stand up specials to National Geographic’s The Story of God (is that a Holy Trinity I see before me?).
Basically, anything Freeman lends his voice to is instantly elevated. Almost heavenly, in fact, including the BBC’s Graham Norton Show.
When Freeman was a guest, the titular host, Graham Norton, asked him to share his narrating skills. Freeman obliges, naturally, and ends up reading cue cards in “Shawshank” style that roast the host for everything from his slight build and his drinking, to his walk (Norton’s producers obviously had a fun time putting this together!).
Norton’s facial expressions in reaction just make it all the better.
If you haven’t seen it, you can check it out here: