11 Tips to Finally Stop Overeating This Year


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This article was reviewed by Craig Primack, MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA.

We’ve all been there. We grab an extra slice of pizza even though we’re full or reach for a snack when bored, tired, stressed — basically anything but hungry. 

Occasionally overeating is nothing to worry about. But regularly eating more food than your body needs can lead to weight gain, obesity, and a long list of related health problems.

You probably knew that already. The hard part is knowing how to stop overeating when it becomes a habit or when the food noise — intrusive thoughts about food — starts to feel deafening.

Mindful eating, eating more protein, and eating regular meals are just a few tips for how to not eat so much. Read on for more ideas, strategies, and guidance for building a better relationship with food.

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What Causes Overeating?

Before we get to how to stop overeating, let’s talk about what’s causing it in the first place.

There are many reasons you may eat too much, including: 

  • Habit. Habits are powerful. If you always load up your plate, finish your meal (even when full), snack in the car, or nibble on a treat before bed, those eating behaviors can be hard to quit.

  • Emotional eating. Many people use food to soothe uncomfortable emotions (aka comfort eating). You might overeat when you’re stressed, anxious, sad, bored, lonely — the list goes on.

  • Sleep deprivation. Sleep loss does a number on your eating habits. It disrupts your hunger hormones and can lead to increased appetite and cravings for sweet, salty, and starchy foods.

  • Food noise. Food noise is ongoing, obsessive thoughts about food. These thoughts are often difficult — if not impossible — to ignore. You might find yourself driven to eat more food or eating more often just to quiet this mental chatter.

  • Hunger. It may sound obvious, but hear us out. If your body isn’t getting the fuel it needs, you’re going to feel compelled to eat. And if you’ve skipped a meal or you’re dieting and depriving yourself of food, you may find yourself overeating at your next meal or snack opportunity. 

  • Eating disorders. Eating disorders like binge eating disorder can involve eating large amounts of food in one sitting. Bulimia nervosa can also cause binge-eating episodes followed by purging behaviors, like self-induced vomiting.

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What Are the Signs of Overeating?

Overeating isn’t a medical diagnosis, so there’s no official list of symptoms to look out for. Plus, we all need different amounts of food, so what’s overeating for one person may be just right for another.

That said, you might be overeating if: 

  • You eat habitually, mindlessly, or when you’re not hungry 

  • You often continue eating after you feel full (or even sick to your stomach)

  • You eat to relieve negative emotions 

  • You feel like you can’t control how much you eat

Severe overeating can sometimes be a sign of an eating disorder. 

Signs of binge eating disorder include: 

  • Eating a lot of food in a short amount of time 

  • Feeling like you can’t control what or how much you eat 

  • Feeling shame about your eating behaviors or hiding them from others 

  • Eating this way at least once a week for three months

Signs of bulimia nervosa include

  • Eating a lot of food in a short amount of time 

  • Feeling like you can’t control what or how much you eat 

  • Performing compensatory activities after binge eating like fasting, making yourself vomit, exercising, or taking laxatives.

  • Eating this way at least once a week for three months

Reach out to a healthcare provider if you relate to any of these symptoms. You can also find support on the National Eating Disorders Association website.

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How to Stop Overeating

Now, time for some good news. You can do something about your eating patterns and food choices to improve your relationship with food and your overall health and wellness.

Keep reading for more detailed guidance on how to not overeat.

1. Practice Mindful Eating 

Mindful eating means being more aware of when and what you’re eating and being more present while you’re eating. Try pausing before you eat and checking in with yourself to see how you’re feeling. Are you actually hungry or reaching for food out of habit or to comfort yourself? 

Mindful eating can help you notice when you’re starting to feel full so you can eat the right amount for you and stick to healthy portion sizes.  

Wondering how to eat mindfully? Consider the following tactics:

  • Start by minimizing distractions while eating by turning off the TV, putting down your phone, and focusing on your meal.

  • Pay attention to how fast or slow you’re eating. Are you eating too fast? Are you slowing down? Could that be a sign you’re full?

  • Focus on chewing your food thoroughly before swallowing. 

  • Savor the taste and texture of your food. Is it sweet? Juicy? Crispy?

  • Pay attention to what your food looks like. Notice the colors. The texture.  

  • Think about where your food came from and how it got to you. Did someone cook for you? What steps were involved? 

  • Ask yourself if you’re really hungry when you are eating. If you’re not hungry, consider whether it’s boredom, stress, fatigue, or something else that driving you to eat.

When should you stop eating? Stop when you feel full and satisfied, before the point of being totally stuffed and uncomfortable.

Mindfulness is also a good strategy for how to stop food noise naturally. Research shows that mindfulness techniques — like self-directed or guided imagery or body scanning — can help reduce how many thoughts you have about food.

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2. Eat More Slowly

Eating more slowly can help you notice when you’re feeling full. It may also reduce your appetite and help you eat less later in the day.

2019 study compared participants who ate a meal at a slow pace to those who ate the same meal at a normal pace. 

The slower eaters: 

  • Felt fuller two hours later 

  • Had reduced levels of ghrelin — a hunger hormone 

  • Ate 25 percent less calories from snacks three hours later 

FYI, the slow rate was quite a bit slower — 24 minutes compared to six minutes at the normal eating rate, to be exact. 

You can slow down by chewing your food thoroughly, savoring the taste and texture, putting your cutlery down between bites, and sipping water every few bites.

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4. Eat More Protein

Protein is good for more than just your muscles. It can increase satiety (feelings of fullness), keep your appetite in check, and reduce food cravings after meals. If you’re looking into weight loss, eating more protein can help there too.

Opt for lean protein sources like: 

  • Chicken 

  • Turkey

  • Tofu

  • Tempeh 

  • Fish

  • Eggs

  • Nuts and seeds

Try adding a protein source to every meal and eating high-protein healthy snacks.

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4. Eat More Fiber

Fiber can help you feel fuller for longer and reduce your appetite. You can find fiber in:

  • Fruits

  • Vegetables 

  • Lentils

  • Chickpeas 

  • Beans 

  • Brown rice

Eating more of these foods may help you avoid overeating, as you’ll feel more satisfied.

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5. Drink More Water

Drinking more water is another tip for how to curb appetite. It can help you feel fuller and more satisfied at meal times, helping you stick to healthy portion sizes. 

Plus, staying hydrated throughout the day can keep your appetite in check, one reason being that thirst can sometimes come disguised as hunger.

Try drinking a glass or two of water before meals and drinking water regularly throughout the day.

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6. Use Smaller Plates, Bowls, and Spoons

If you find yourself serving up too much food at mealtimes, this one’s for you.

A cool psychological trick is using a smaller plate or bowl. You might find you fill your plate or bowl up with food no matter how big it is. So using smaller plates and bowls helps you naturally serve yourself smaller portions. 

Smaller spoons can help too. One study found using a smaller spoon led to people putting less sugar in their tea.

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7. Eat Regular Meals

Try not to go too long without food. You’ll only feel ravenous come your next meal and struggle to avoid overeating.

Eat at regular times and don’t demonize snacks — they can be part of a healthy diet or weight loss plan.

Consider why you often skip meals and what you can do to address it. 

For example, if you skip lunch because work days get busy, try preparing meals ahead of time that you can reheat or eat cold. Then schedule a short lunch break and treat it as you would a meeting with your boss — unskippable. 

You might find yourself overeating less in the evening when you’ve had a nutritious and satisfying lunch.

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8. Improve Your Sleep

Aim for at least seven hours of sleep a night to make sure a lack of sleep isn’t behind your overeating.

To hit that number, improve your sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is all the daily habits and environmental adjustments that can help you get better sleep. 

They include: 

  • Keeping a consistent sleep schedule 

  • Avoiding screens one to two hours before bed 

  • Only using your bed for sleep and sex

  • Making your bedroom comfortable, dark, and not too warm

  • Avoiding heavy meals before bed — addressing evening overeating can help with this one

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9. Practice Stress Management Techniques

Eating when stressed? You’re not alone. The first step is recognizing stress is a trigger for you — and then taking steps to manage your stress levels. 

You can try stress management techniques like: 

  • Journaling

  • Meditating

  • Spending time in nature

  • Working out

  • Practicing a hobby

If you catch yourself raiding the cupboards when frazzled, take a few deep breaths and see if there’s another stress-relieving activity you could do instead.

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10. Consider Weight Loss Medications

If you’re trying to lose weight, weight loss medication can help reduce overeating in a few ways.

Medication like GLP-1 injections (think Ozempic and Wegovy) can: 

  • Reduce your appetite

  • Help you feel fuller after meals

  • Curb cravings

  • Reduce food noise

  • Lower blood sugar (glucose)

  • Help manage type 2 diabetes

All this can help you stick to healthy portion sizes and avoid reaching for food when your body doesn’t need it. Medication may help folks struggling with how to stop food addiction and battling those all-consuming food thoughts. 

A healthcare provider can let you know if weight loss medication is suitable for you and talk you through your options. 

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11. Reach Out to a Healthcare Provider

Overeating can be a sign of an eating disorder, or you could be turning to food to self-medicate for anxiety or depression. Get medical advice to get to the root cause of overeating and find out the best course of action for you. 

Even if there’s not a physical or mental health issue at play, you may find yourself feeling obsessed with food. A healthcare professional can help you learn how to get over food addiction or quiet food noise if that’s something you’re experiencing. 

You might find that support groups, behavioral therapy, or dietary counseling help you regain control of your eating and improve your relationship with food.

Not sure where to start with healthy eating? You might also consider working with a registered dietitian or nutritionist for a personalized meal plan.

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How to Stop Overeating: Wrapping It Up

Overeating every now and again happens to everyone — hello, Thanksgiving. But regularly overeating can lead to health problems and a whole load of stress and guilt.

“Why can’t I stop eating?” “Why do I eat so much?” “How to stop eating so much?!” If your search history is filled with questions like these, we’ve got you. 

Here’s the TL;DR on how to stop overeating: 

  • Get more mindful. Slow down, cut distractions, and really focus on what and when you’re eating. You might notice when you’re full more easily or can stop yourself from reaching for snacks or seconds out of habit.    

  • Eat enough nutritious foods. Avoiding overeating isn’t about restricting yourself. Give your body the nutrients it needs to feel its best and stop hunger from building up. Opt for whole foods — including fruits, veggies, protein, whole grains, and healthy fats — and eat regular meals. 

  • Identify your triggers. It could be stress, sleep deprivation, boredom, or something else. Once you know what’s behind your overeating, you can take steps to address the root cause.

If a large appetite or roaring food noise is driving your eating habits, consider reaching out to a healthcare professional about weight loss medications.

This article originally appeared on Forhers.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org

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