25 reasons you should quit your job right now


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Should you quit your job now? Some people feel as if they’re not being challenged enough, others may be unappreciated, and some want to change careers.

Regardless of the reason for quitting, there is a certain feeling you get when you know it’s time to leave.

This article will explore 25 signs that indicate it might be time to leave your job.

Reason 1: You Are No Longer Feeling Fulfilled or Happy

One of the most important reasons to quit your job is if you are no longer feeling fulfilled or happy. This could be a sign that you’ve outgrown your position and it’s time to move on.

If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, it will show in your work and it will be reflected in your attitude. It’s important to be happy and fulfilled in your job because you spend the majority of your time there.

Reason 2: Your Level of Expertise is Not Valued or Respected

If you’ve been doing an amazing job at your current job for years, yet it seems as if no one notices or cares about the quality of work that you produce each day, perhaps it’s time to move on.

This is a common problem for many employees who put their heart and soul into something they love only to be ignored by their superiors. A lack of appreciation can be very demoralizing and it’s not worth your time to stay at a job that doesn’t respect your level of expertise.

Reason 3: You Are Overqualified or Underutilized

Another sign it might be time to leave your job is if you are overqualified for the position. If this describes you, then that means that a career shift would be a good idea.

If you have a yearning to accomplish much more than your current position can give you, quitting may be a good idea.

Reason 4: You’ve Found a Better Option for a New Position

This reason is pretty straightforward – if you’ve found a better and new job offer that’s worth your time, then it’s probably time to quit and take that new position. The grass may be greener on the other side, but only if you’re prepared to make the jump.

When I was working in the corporate world I was always keeping my eyes and ears open to opportunities with the current company as well as recruiters for a new company.

I was able to find better pay and work-life balance a couple of times when I left for a new job. Keep your job search options passively open always, even when you are having career success. Sometimes jumping ship and choosing to quit your job is the best decision.

Reason 5: It’s Time for a New Career Path

Some people feel as if they’ve been doing the same job for too long and they’re ready for a career change. This can be a daunting task, but it’s possible with the right attitude and planning. If this is you, then it might be time to quit your current job and start fresh in a new role or new industry.

Changing careers can be scary, but there are many growth opportunities, such as developing new skills and meeting new challenges. You’ll be doing meaningful work with a better schedule that works for you, and you’ll be able to focus on your long-term career goals.

When I switched from traditional in-office work to working remotely with more flexibility and more money, I never looked back.

You’ll likely discover a healthier work-life balance and you could discover that this is your dream job. Your co-workers and family members might not understand at first, but if you’re making a decision that will be better for you overall, then no decision is a bad decision.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from making a change to your work environment.


When was the last time you had a sense of adventure? A new job may give you that adventure.

Reason 6: You Feel Burnt Out

If you often feel drained or stressed after work, it may be a sign that you are burnt out from your current job. This can happen when we overwork ourselves or take on too many responsibilities in our careers.

When this happens, our productivity drops and we become less effective in our work. It’s important to listen to your body and recognize the signs of burnout so that you can take action and quit your job before it’s too late!

Reason 7: Your Workplace is Toxic

If you are experiencing any sort of workplace toxicity, it’s time to think about quitting. Whether your workplace is toxic physically or mentally depends on the specific situation and this can be hard to recognize at times because we become accustomed to our surroundings over time.

However, if people around you seem unhappy or something just doesn’t feel right in your everyday work environment, then perhaps it’s time for a change of careers.

Reason 8: You Were Passed Up for a Promotion

If you were expecting to be promoted and it didn’t happen, then that could be a sign that it’s time to quit your job. This can be a very discouraging experience, especially if you’ve put in a lot of hard work at your company.

Don’t forget that there are other opportunities out there for you!

Reason 9: You No Longer Fit into the Company Culture

Company culture is something that should be considered when looking for a new job. If the culture of the company doesn’t align with your values, then it might not be the right fit for you.

It’s important to feel comfortable and supported in your work environment so that you can thrive professionally and in your personal life.

Reason 10: You Don’t Feel Safe

If you are concerned about your safety at work, then it is probably time to quit. Whether this is due to dangerous conditions or a dangerous person, workplace violence is something that nobody should have to deal with! If you feel unsafe in the office for whatever reason, then there’s no point in staying and you should quit your job.

Reason 11: You’re Not Learning Anything New

This sign tends to come up when people stay in their jobs too long without advancing professionally.

For example, if they’ve been doing the same job for years even though they had originally hoped for greater responsibilities and opportunities – perhaps it’s time to look elsewhere.

People who are passionate about learning new things won’t enjoy being stuck in one place forever so consider quitting if this sounds like you.

Reason 12: Your Relationship with Your Boss Is Rocky

This reason goes hand-in-hand with being unhappy at work. If you can’t get along with your boss, then it makes the situation much worse. It’s important to have a good relationship with your supervisor because they can either make or break your work experience.

Remember to look introspectively and ask how can I improve this relationship before quitting your job. Do everything in your power to improve your relationship with your current employer.

Reason 13: There Isn’t Room for Career Development

If you are no longer being challenged at work, then it might be time to seek out a new opportunity. If your job gets boring and repetitive after a while, make sure that this is by choice rather than because you’re not capable of learning anything else.

Reason 14: Your Gut is Telling You to Quit

Follow your gut! Your intuition is telling you something for a reason. Do some investigating into what your intuition is telling you.

Reason 15: Your Quality of Life Has Dropped Significantly

This sign may not apply to everyone but some people enjoy socializing with their co-workers. However, if company culture has changed over time and this seems impossible at work anymore (or worse yet, there are no other employees), consider leaving before burnout becomes inevitable.

It can be hard to recognize when your quality of life takes a nosedive but once you’re aware of how much time/energy you’ve lost, you’ll realize that it’s time to make a change. Even the best job, in the beginning, can worsen over time.

Reason 16: You Can No Longer Afford Your Lifestyle on Your Current Salary

Salary is something we all need, especially to pay the bills.

If your salary has remained stagnant over an extended period of time you should consider looking to quit your job and search for other opportunities.

Or you can ask for a raise if you believe you deserve it. Make sure to take good notes to show your current employer.

Reason 17: Your Department is Being Downsized

Downsizing is something that happens in almost every industry. If your department is the one that’s being targeted, it might be time to find a new job.

You don’t want to be the last person left standing in an empty office.

Reason 18: Your Boss Keeps Asking You to Do Overtime

It can be great when your boss trusts you enough to ask for overtime but if this becomes excessive and there’s no end in sight, it might be time to quit.

This isn’t healthy or sustainable.

Reason 19: The Company Is Struggling Financially

If the company is struggling financially, employees will likely be the first to go.

If you have some info that layoffs are coming, it might be time to quit before you’re affected. Nobody wants to lose their job during tough times so if possible, do your best to leave on your terms!

Reason 20: Your Company Has High Turnover

If the people around you are quitting, it’s likely time for you to do so as well. It can be tough when everyone leaves at once but this isn’t uncommon in some industries.

Reason 21: Your Job Is Causing You Physical Stress

If your job is causing you physical stress, it’s time to quit. This might be because of the work itself (such as long hours or difficult tasks) or it could be due to the environment.

No one should have to deal with physical pain just to make a living. It might be a good idea to have a career change.

Reason 22: You Dread or Cry Over Going to Work

If you feel this way, it’s time to quit. No one should have to dread going to work or cry over the thought of it – that’s not a healthy way to live. If work is constantly stressing you out, figure out why. 

Is there anything you can do to alleviate the stress?

Is this simply a rough patch or a reason to quit your job?

Reason 23: You’re Constantly Feeling Overwhelmed

When we’re overwhelmed, our productivity drops significantly. This means that we’re not able to do our best work and can even lead to burnout.

If you feel like you can’t keep up with your workload or are constantly feeling behind. Talk to your boss about a more reasonable workload.

Reason 24: You Can’t Be Yourself at Work

If you’re not able to be yourself at work, it’s time to quit. If your boss or colleagues don’t accept who you are then perhaps the best thing is for you to move on and find somewhere that will.

Now, if being yourself means you wear pajamas to work, then it is you who needs to change.

Remember, you’re in a professional environment so you must find the happy medium of being yourself and representing the company well.

Reason 25: You’re Bored at Work

If you’re constantly finding yourself bored at work, it’s time to quit.

Being bored not only affects your productivity but can also cause mental health issues over an extended period of time.

These are just some of the signs that you should quit your job. If any of these apply to you, it might be time to start looking for something else! Don’t stay in a job that makes you unhappy.

Life is too short for that!


This article originally appeared on MaxMyMoney.organd was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.

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15 weird jobs that can pay big money


You do what for a living?

There are many more occupations that are held by the roughly 128 million full-time workers in the U.S. than the typical jobs that first come to our minds. If you’ve ever watched the show Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe, there’s a good chance it opened your eyes to the existence of a countless number of professions that fall way outside your typical nine-to-five.

As weird and unconventional as many of these jobs may be, it doesn’t mean they’re not good, respectable jobs. Many of these jobs come with salaries you wouldn’t be ashamed to discuss. They’re just…different. And, like any job, they each come with their own set of rewards and challenges.

But if you’re looking for a job that’s a little different — but also pays surprisingly well — then look no further.




What’s considered to be a good salary in the U.S. depends heavily on where in the U.S. you’re located. But in an attempt to define “a job that pays surprisingly well,” we considered salaries that would land the worker in what Pew Research Center defines as “middle class.” According to their analysis of government data, that means those whose income is two-thirds to double the national median, which was $57,617 as of 2016. This puts a three-person household earning roughly $45,000 to $135,000 in the “middle class.” So you’ll see all our chosen jobs fall within this range.

For each job, we sourced income information from a combination of reputable salary websites. We looked at the pay ranges for each job and created an average salary range to give you a better idea of the potential compensation for each career.

Finally, when it comes to how we define “weird,” we either chose jobs you might not know to exist or that would be considered strange for a child to express interest in doing when they grow up. Let me clarify by saying there is nothing against any of these jobs. They just likely wouldn’t be the first job that comes to mind when choosing a profession.

With that in mind, here are 15 weird jobs that pay weirdly well, too.




These inspectors make sure your elevator delivers you seamlessly, but their job also goes beyond elevators. These inspectors examine and maintain all lifting and conveying devices — such as elevators, escalators, moving sidewalks, ski lifts, and even amusement park rides — to ensure they meet safety and compliance codes. The next time you reach your floor without plummeting to the ground, you know who to thank.

Education: To elevate your chances of landing one of these jobs, you’ll typically need at least a high school diploma with considerable related-work experience, as inspectors typically learn on the job.

Average salary range: $44,000-$81,000




Nuclear power plants generate roughly 20% of U.S. electricity, and it takes a highly-trained licensed professional to ensure these plants never come anywhere close to having a meltdown.

Other than working in an overly-secure environment that’s sensitive to attack, nuclear power reactor operators are responsible for operating and controlling nuclear reactors. A normal day consists of adjusting control rods, monitoring reactors, and responding to abnormalities. No sweat, right?

Education: Nuclear power reactor operators typically need at least a high school diploma, but there’s extensive on-the-job training needed to prepare for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license exam. You’ll have to pass a yearly exam to keep your license as well.

Average salary range: $60,000-$120,000


Kinwun / istockphoto


If your passion for wine extends beyond drinking it, a job as a sommelier might be of interest. A sommelier, or wine steward, manages everything from identifying and purchasing an organization’s wine collection to its proper storage and promotion. You’ll likely work with kitchen staff to develop food and wine pairings, as well.

Sommeliers commonly work with upscale restaurants, hotels, and other locations where expensive wines are sold. They’re expected to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of wines, vineyards, geographic regions, and, of course, the grapes themselves.

Education: Requirements can vary, but some employers look for years of experience in addition culinary school training with an emphasis in fermented grape drink (wine).

Average salary range: $40,000-$71,000




They may get their start in your grandma’s retirement-home bingo hall, but you’ll typically find these professionals managing the bingo departments of casinos, and it can be big business. A bingo manager oversees and directs the daily activities of the department, approving jackpots and payouts, and ensuring compliance with federal and state gaming regulations.

Education: Specific requirements will differ depending on the employer, but you’ll typically need 3-5 years of experience to land a gig as a bingo manager. Unfortunately, your grandmother’s referral won’t hold much weight.

Average salary range: $45,000-$100,000




You can’t just slap a hot-dog stand anywhere on the side of the road and expect to make a killing, but in the right location, a full-time gig selling hot-dogs can turn a decent profit. It’s not unheard of for vendors in prime New York City spots to pay over $300,000 in annual rent to the city — so what must they be bringing in if they can afford this type of fee?

According to the New York Post, one hot dog vendor raked in up to $400 each day when business was peaking and only paid $60 a year for a vendor’s license.

Education: While no specific education requirements are necessary, you are running a business, so brushing up on key business skills couldn’t hurt.

Estimated salary range: $100,000-$300,000+?




I’ve had some terrible ice cream, so either not all ice cream is taste-tested or these companies need a new set of mouths working for them. Regardless, it’s a real gig that pays real money, but do you want to chance ruining your love of ice cream with too much of it? Yes, yes we do.

An ice cream taster, also known as a taste tester or food scientist, checks to make sure each type of ice cream is up to snuff, containing the right ingredients, textures, and flavors so consumers won’t be disappointed. Depending on the role and the company, tasters may even be involved with inventing new ice cream flavors.

Education: Many companies look for candidates to have a degree in dairy science or food science, as well as a keen sensitivity to tastes and an insensitivity to brain freeze.

Average salary range: $35,000-$97,000




Have a nice pair of hands? According to Forbes, a top “parts model” can make around $75,000 a year. Depending on their look — delicate or “practical” — hand models will usually either book fashion and beauty shoots or commercial work for food and cleaning products. You may even find yourself doubling for celebrities who have a less-than-appealing set of their own.

Education: The parts market isn’t vast, so competition is tough. You’ll also need to be able to take direction from heads of photography and deal with inevitable hand cramping.

Average salary range: $1,000-$10,000 for a day’s work, up to $75,000 per year




Counseling for hereditary disorders might not seem like the most uplifting profession, but you will be in a position to help others as they cope with the unfortunate genetic hand they’re dealt with. A genetic counselor assesses the risk for a variety of inherited conditions, sharing this information with families and other healthcare professionals to support informed decision making. He/she counsels patients on unfavorable test results and coping methods for those at risk, as well as couples with hereditary conditions who are trying to conceive.

Education: A master’s degree in genetic counseling is typically required, and you can expect to have to come to work in a casual top and nice pair of genes.

Average salary range: $52,000-$87,000




The thought of a repo man flying away in your airplane is pretty comical, but it doesn’t make it any less real of a job. If you buy a plane and can’t afford it, you can be sure the bank is going to come knocking. This gig is serious enough for the Discovery Channel to produce a show about it, and we all know everything we see on TV is real.

Education: While getting into this line of work can be pretty lucrative, it does have its limitations. For one, you have to be able to fly a plane, and you’ll need a pilot’s license to do that.

Estimated average salary range: 6%-10% commission on each plane’s resale price ($10,000-$900,000 per plane)




A commercial diver earns their pay working underwater. Duties can vary greatly, but include checking for pipe leaks; inspecting and cleaning pipe valves; inspecting bridges, ships, docks, and sewers; and even salvaging wrecked ships. Anyone up for some 18th-century shipwreck treasure hunting?

Education: To become a commercial diver, you’ll need a high school diploma, scuba certification, and you’ll have to complete a commercial diving training program.

Average salary range: $35,000-$96,000




Friends play an important role in weddings, but let’s face it, not all our friends are the best at tackling problems, nor do they always give the best advice. Professional bridesmaids step in to help brides through their big day. As a pro, aside from showing up at the wedding, you’ll likely be expected to walk down the aisle and maybe even give a toast in the couple’s honor.

If you’ve got a knack for problem-solving, a love for wedding celebrations, and a calming presence that can prevent even a nuclear reactor from melting down, a job as a professional bridesmaid might be a good fit.

Education: There might not be specific education requirements, but general business and strong customer service skills will help you excel in this role.

Average salary range: $18,000-$95,000




Crime scenes may be cordoned off during an investigation, but once the evidence is collected, someone has to clean up what’s left behind. These professionals may go by different names, but crime scene cleaners are responsible for the removal of biohazardous waste, body fluids, blood, human waste, and other unpleasantries.

While you may not need an individual license, these technicians are usually a part of a company that does need various licenses according to the regulations set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Education: These technicians typically need at least a high school diploma and can usually land a job without prior experience.

Average salary range: $27,000-$61,500




Ever wonder why that cheeseburger looks so good in the commercial but is haphazardly constructed in a clear attempt to ruin your day when you pull it out of the bag to eat it? You can thank the food stylist for that. These professionals are responsible for making foods look as appetizing as possible, usually for photoshoots, films, television commercials, and upscale restaurants.

Education: Food stylists tend to get work by providing a portfolio, so experience is the best way to land these gigs, though some employers may want to see a background in design or the completion of culinary school. Instagram photos of your food may or may not count as a portfolio.

Average salary range: $24,000-$91,000




You might be able to make more as an unethical hacker, but I don’t need to explain why that’s a bad idea. Alternatively, the government, technology, cybersecurity industries are full of high-paying jobs for ethical hackers. With titles ranging from security analyst to penetration tester, these professionals make a living intentionally hacking computers and systems to uncover vulnerabilities — before the criminals do.

Education: Most employers require at least a bachelor’s degree in information technology or a cybersecurity-related field, as well as relevant certifications.

Average salary range: $47,000-$130,000




Considering the price for a new box of golf balls and how many brand-new golf balls I’ve personally hit into the water, retrieving and reselling this white gold can be a pretty lucrative job. As the name suggests, golf ball divers take to the many ponds across golf courses to salvage, clean, and recycle golf balls, as the name suggests.

Education: You’ll be spending most of your time in murky water, possibly surrounded by snakes and alligators, so you’ll likely need to be scuba certified.

Estimated average salary range: $200/day-$150,000 per year




We’ve taken a lighthearted approach to these jobs, but in all seriousness, these can be good, well-paying jobs. Just because they may seem unconventional doesn’t mean they aren’t legitimate. Any job is what you make of it.

If you’re looking for more interesting work — or more interesting pay — think outside the box when it comes to your career. The unexpected might be what you were looking for all along. There are more ways to make big money than just sticking to what’s conventional.


Read more:


This article originally appeared on FinanceBuzz.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.




Featured Image Credit: Three Spots / iStock.
