5 Common Household Hazards & How to Safeguard Against Them


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As parents, we must do all we can to keep our children safe. This includes reducing household hazards. However, keeping on top of every safety issue when raising a child may be challenging and overwhelming at the same time; trying to figure out which hazards need our attention or the best ways to minimize risk may seem daunting at times. This post will explain how to keep your family safe at home. Most concerns can be easily addressed, so start today!

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Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Protecting your home and loved ones from smoke and carbon monoxide poisoning is of utmost importance. Invest in a detection device for each room of your house. These life-saving devices are designed to alert you in case of fires or carbon monoxide poisoning when you are not around. They are easy to install and maintain. Take your time with safety. Double-check that all detectors are working as intended by regularly testing to make sure everything stays fully functional. These devices will enable you to monitor your home when you are not there. Having these devices in your home might seem like overkill, but you can’t be too prepared when it comes to keeping your family safe.

Image Credit: AlexRaths.

Have Fire Extinguishers Throughout Your Home

Fire prevention is a key element of home safety. In 2020, more than 356,500 fires broke out in U.S. homes. These fires caused everything from minor smoke damage to total destruction, including the death of 2,630 people. Fire extinguishers are your first line of defense in an emergency fire situation. Access to multiple fire extinguishers throughout your home could make all the difference during a blaze, because every second counts in these situations. Having at least one extinguisher on each level (garage and kitchen included) allows you to take control of a potentially life-threatening blaze quickly. Do your research on which fire extinguisher meets both your and your children’s needs. Investing in multiple extinguishers may cost more, but your safety is worth every cent.

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Check for Lead Paint, Asbestos, and Other Hazardous Materials that Could Be Present in Older Homes

Older homes often have a silent killer lurking around. Lead paint, asbestos, and other hazardous materials were commonly used in construction before the 1980s. These materials put your family in great danger without you even knowing it. To ensure a safe living environment, professionals must thoroughly inspect your home for these hazards. A qualified inspector can identify any potentially dangerous materials that you do not even know about and recommend a course of action to remediate these silent killers. Do not take any chances when it comes to your family’s health. Be sure to conduct a thorough inspection before buying an older home.

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Secure Windows, Locks on Doors, and Other Potential Points of Entry into the Home

Home security is of utmost importance. Securing entry points into your home will significantly reduce the potential visit of any unwelcome guests. Windows and doors are common entry points for intruders; securing them with the proper locks and alarms is important. Do not be fooled into thinking that small windows don’t matter; skilled burglars can get through any opening larger than a human head. Having a secure home will reduce your anxiety about a potential intruder putting your family’s safety in jeopardy.

Image Credit: August Home.

Internet Safety is Just as Important as Physical Safety

In the era of digital technology, it is essential to protect yourself and your family from the potential dangers that lurk on the internet. Establishing a set of house rules can help guide younger users to make safe and responsible decisions online. Make sure they understand not to share personal information with strangers, to use strong passwords and two-factor authentication to protect their accounts, and to be aware of potential scams. Learn how to remove a rootkit, install good anti-virus software, and regularly scan your computer for malicious files to keep your personal data away from prying eyes. As a parent, you should also take advantage of parental control tools that can block inappropriate content or limit the time your children spend online. Unfortunately, there are a lot of risks that we do not know about, so try to keep yourself informed of internet dangers and your children’s activities online.

It is important to keep your family safe. It is easier to protect your family if you know what precautions to use, but nobody can be on duty 24/7. A monitored security system can help you protect your family. The majority of current systems allow for remote access and home automation, so you can check on your family as often as needed. Most home mishaps can be prevented. It is important to take simple measures. It is particularly important for families with children or senior citizens. You do not want to find yourself in a dangerous situation only to discover that it is too late to take action.

This article originally appeared on Marialeonardolsen.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.

Image Credit: bernardbodo.

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