Classic news video: JFK through the years


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The NBC Universal Archives YouTube channel is a treasure trove of footage from days past, and their mashup of appearances John F. Kennedy made on NBC News over the years does not disappoint. It kicks off with a 1951 appearance on Meet the Press when Kennedy was still a Congressman and ends with with a Sept. 9, 1963 appearance on The Huntley – Brinkley Report — a little more than a month before he was assassinated in Dallas.

He covers a range of topics — economic prosperity, the Soviet Union, Vietnam, civil rights, and more — but his appearance in 1957 on the daytime talk show Home, hosted by a practically fawning Arlene Francis with a young Hugh Downs serving as announcer and co-host, was particularly interesting. Then Senator Kennedy fielded questions by several young people on a panel and spoke at length about the differences between Republicans and Democrats, the role of women in politics and the spread of communism, vis a vis the Soviet block.



Michael Schreiber

Michael Schreiber is MediaFeed’s founder and Editor-in-Chief. Michael is an Emmy- and duPont-winning journalist and media executive. He’s worked with the New York Times, Frontline, HBO, ABC News and NBC News (where he currently writes for NBC Nightly News from time to time). He’s the founder and principal of Amalgamated Unlimited (a company that helps organizations develop and execute content and editorial strategies) and (a content syndication network).