Do you have what it takes to be a Twitch moderator?


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As live streaming grows in popularity, many people are using the site Twitch to monetize their digital life. Many bigger streamers need help while streaming, such as monitoring live chats, responding to viewer questions, or even keeping the stream running.

Different streamers may require varying tasks from their mods. However, the typical mod is active on Twitch, a long-time fan of the streamer and willing to take on several administrative and backend tasks for their streamer.

Related: Want to make money as a moderator? This startup can help

Here are the 10 most common tasks mods do.

1. Moderate chat

Most basically, mods, well, moderate. This often means keeping hate speech out of chat, making sure chatters are following Twitch and the streamer’s rules, and engaging audiences during lulls in the stream.

2. Answer fan questions

If chatters have a question about Twitch or any questions and concerns, mods generally field them. This can be as simple as directing a fan to a twitter page or as involved as helping a fan figure out how to turn on closed captions during the broadcast.

3. Ban unruly fans

Unfortunately, any internet-centric community can have online bullies or toxic outsiders try to spread hate under the security of anonymity. When a user refuses to abide by Twitch or a streamer’s guidelines, mods can ban them indefinitely, time them out of chat for a few minutes or even a few days.

4. Monitor Discord

Most streamers also use a service called Discord, which allows fans to connect or post content that’s relevant to that streamer. Many mods are responsible for monitoring content that’s posted or even post content themselves.

5. Post on reddit or other forums

Another popular forum streamers use is reddit. Similar to Discord, many streamers’ reddits involve memes, stream highlights or other Twitch-centric content that users can “upvote,” which pushes that content to the top of the page. Many streamers then review the top-upvoted content on stream.

6. Monitor tech issues

Some streamers may ask someone to be a mod because of their tech know-how. These mods may help a streamer make sure the volume is OK, that their camera angle looks good, closed captions are working, and more.

7. Troubleshoot PC or game issues

Other streamers may need their mods’ help if a game or their PC isn’t working properly. A mod can troubleshoot with the streamer live or take over the problem so the viewers are still entertained.

8. Help with the streamer’s setup

When streamers are first starting on Twitch or if they’re changing their setup, they may ask a mod for help. That may involve figuring out lighting, making closed captions work, setting up audio boards and more.

9. Communicate with other streamers

When a streamer is setting up a game that involves multiple players, mods may reach out to other streamers to see if they’re interested in joining. If a game is already set up, mods may invite the streamers into a “squad stream,” which allows viewers to see multiple streamers at the same time, or invite them into a Discord group or server the streamers are using while live.

10. Create clips and reels

Most mods also help streamers create clips and reels of their best livestream moments. Twitch allows users to “clip” sections of a stream in real-time. These clips are great for social media, YouTube or reels if a streamer is looking to create a compilation video or even reach out to a company for a potential partnership or sponsorship.


Kaitlyn Farley

Kaitlyn is MediaFeed’s senior editor. She is a graduate of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, specializing in social justice and investigative reporting. She has worked at various radio stations and newsrooms, covering higher-education, local politics, natural disasters and investigative and watchdog stories related to Title IX and transparency issues.