Author: Kaitlyn Farley
18 TV Jingles That Are Total Ear Worms
So it’s Saturday night, and here I am sitting in front of my computer screen with Netflix and a fast-food burger and fries, and you’re like, …
What Is Syndication? A Complete Overview
You’ve heard this over and over: Content is king. That’s certainly true – as long as people see it. To maximize its impact, businesses and content …
51 Things You Can Get for Free While Traveling for the Holidays
Ah, travel. It can be fun once you reach your destination, but paying for it? That can be a pain. Anyone wanting to go home for …
How High are Childcare Costs in the US Compared to Other Countries?
A recent study reveals that U.S. childcare costs significantly outpace those of other developed nations, particularly for single parents and dual-income couples earning average wages, according …
How High Are Childcare Costs in the US Compared to Other Countries?
A recent study reveals that U.S. childcare costs significantly outpace those of other developed nations, particularly for single parents and dual-income couples earning average wages, according …
13 Media and Commerce Mergers that Changed the Game
The recent acquisition of Search Engine Land by Semrush has sparked a lot of conversation around brands merging with publications – specifically, how these mergers influence their perspective …
Semrush & Search Engine Land: Navigating Merky Merger Waters
Semrush , a leading all-in-one digital marketing toolkit, and Search Engine Land, a prominent online publication focused on search engine marketing (SEM), joined forces in 2024 …
What is Brand Publishing?
In this digital world, where customers get everything from every corner, companies must innovate to be visible and find ways to reach consumers. One solution is …
Content Marketing: A Strategic Approach
Every day, you open your eyes to find your company joining thousands of others vying immediately for a human’s attention. And if those humans are your …
When Publishers Become Brands: How Monocle Magazine Became a Lifestyle
Picture it: An acne-clad, pasty middle schooler with frizzy curls and full set of fangs (two of those are still true; I’ll let you guess which …
Conservative vs. Liberal: America’s 10 Most Bipartisan Brands
We all have our go-to brands. Tide or All? Apple or Samsung? Burger King or McDonald’s? But with the 2024 presidential election campaigns well underway, do …
From Planned Parenthood to the NRA: Brands Conservative vs. Liberal Americans View Positively
The US presidential election, with Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the Democratic candidate running against the Republicans’ Trump in a last-minute move, is well underway. The …
Is Breakfast Still the Most Important Meal of the Day for Americans?
Challenge Butter, the flagship brand of Challenge Dairy Products, is celebrating the start of National Breakfast Month by sharing fresh insights on American breakfast habits. In …
Ever Eat Leftovers For Breakfast? Don’t Worry: You’re Not Alone!
Just in time for National Breakfast Month, Challenge Butter has released a survey highlighting the average person’s breakfast habits, practices and preferences for National Breakfast Month. …
From Planned Parenthood to the NRA: These Are the Favorite Brands of Conservative vs. Liberal Americans
Elections, Liberals, and Conservatives, Oh My! The US presidential election, with Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the Democratic candidate running against the Republicans’ Trump in a …
Is Breakfast Still the Most Important Meal of the Day for Americans?
Challenge Butter, the flagship brand of Challenge Dairy Products, is celebrating the start of National Breakfast Month by sharing fresh insights on American breakfast habits. In …
8 Beautiful Marketing Disasters of Dunder Mifflin Paper Co.
Missing the world’s favorite “People Person’s Paper People?” Well, The Office fans can go down under for The Office Australia starting Oct. 19 on Amazon Prime. …
Cashing in on Cover Girl Queens: 13 Brands Embracing Drag Marketing
Yas, queen! You can’t avoid drag in today’s culture. It’s infiltrated our TV, social media, makeup, fashion shows and a plethora of ads for disparate companies running …
Finding Flounder, Not Nemo: Eurovision’s Nonbinary Flag Fumble
I do love me some Eurovision. But Norwegians have a really apt saying that aptly describes what happened at the over-the-top, very queer song competition this …
What Would The Bear Do: Brand Publishing vs. Branded Content
So we should start with a full disclosure, yeah? I don’t live in the (rather pompously) self-proclaimed “greatest city in the world, but the “second city.” …
AI Is Not the Almighty SERP Overlord You Think It Is
AI Is Not the Almighty Serp Overlord You Think It Is, AKA: I Spent Over a Half-Hour Trying to Get Gemini to Write Me a Funny …
Lost in Algo-land: Are Content Syndication & SEO Still Symbiotic?
Between the time of the first sentence of this first drafting being written and you actually reading it, Google and myriad other bot-producing overlords of Algo-lands …
20 killer recipes & DIY decorations for Halloween
Looking for some Halloween party food recipes that’ll give your guests a fright (well, maybe only when they run out)? Or how about some Halloween party …
Doggone beautiful & goofy photos of America’s favorite dog breeds
It’s easy to think you’ve got the best doggo in the world while you’re both cuddled up together under a blanket. When your pooch lets you …
20 easy, home upgrades for renters to try this summer
When you’re a renter, it can feel like all the transformative DIY projects are reserved for homeowners. But just because you rent doesn’t mean you can’t …
This is how much it really costs to be middle-class in these American cities
Recessions, inflation, debt-ceiling limits, oh my. It’s getting harder and harder to be middle-class in America. In fact, Pew Research shows that the number of middle-class …
The worst (& best) places to pull through a recession in the US
To recession or not to recession: That is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler to hunker down in the heart of Colorado or the suburbs of Seattle …
The worst (& best) places to pull through a recession in the US
To recession or not to recession: That is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler to hunker down in the heart of Colorado or the suburbs of Seattle …
You won’t believe how much it takes to be middle class in America
Recessions, inflation, debt-ceiling limits, oh my. It’s getting harder and harder to be middle-class in America. In fact, Pew Research shows that the number of middle-class …
What Christmas looked (and tasted!) like over the last 80 years
Fluffy, perfect snowflakes fall outside as you and your family feast upon ham, mac and cheese, pudding, and cookies. The family dog, sporting a cute Christmas …