Just 3 States Make Up 70% of America’s “Very High” Wildlife Damage Risk: Who Pays for Repairs In the Aftermath?


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More than 2.6 million homes in 14 states are at a moderate to very high risk of wildfire damage in 2024, according to an August report from CoreLogic, an analytics and insights company.

The report also finds that just three states — California, Colorado, and Texas — make up 70% of that risk, with Oregon and Arizona right behind them.

“In recent years, we’ve seen wildfires occur in unexpected places, reinforcing the need to understand the risk landscape and take mitigation action,” Jon Schneyer, CoreLogic’s director of catastrophe response, said in a press release. “Both insurers and consumers have a role to play to ensure adequate protection.”

What causes high wildfire risk?

Climate change has led to more dry organic matter, which feeds wildfires, according to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Because of this, the number of large fires doubled between 1984 and 2015, PNAS reported. Another 2021 PNAS study found the warming atmosphere is the main driver of increased fire weather in the western U.S.

But it’s where the wildfires burn that matters to human life and property.

California, Colorado, and Texas face an elevated risk because each has a high number of homes in undeveloped areas or areas near trees and vegetation, according to CoreLogic’s report. Los Angeles is a sobering example. More than 245,000 homes have moderate or high wildfire risk and would cost a total of $186.6 billion to rebuild.

Who pays for the damage?

Some of the most expensive years for insured wildfire losses have occurred since 2016, according to a 2023 analysis from reinsurer Swiss Re. From 2013 to 2022, wildfires cost $69.9 billion globally — but the U.S. experienced eight of the 10 most expensive wildfires for insured losses.

Unlike flooding and earthquake damage, homeowners insurance covers fire damage, even from wildfires, so the resulting losses fall squarely on property insurers. Some insurance companies also offer dwelling fire insurance, which is typically for non-primary residences like rentals, vacation homes, or investment properties.

Insurance companies consider many factors when setting premiums, including the potential for severe weather damage that can lead to expensive claims. Texas and Colorado are among the 10 most expensive states for home insurance, according to Insurify’s homeowners insurance report.

California’s strict rate regulations have led to lower average rates, but some insurers have pulled coverage from especially high-risk areas, leaving homeowners without many options. California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara is accepting public input on a new wildfire modeling regulation aimed at bringing more coverage to those areas.

What’s next: Implementing mitigation measures

CoreLogic’s report strongly recommends communities take action to mitigate wildfire risk. Doing so could reduce expected per-property losses by 75%, according to the report.

Homeowner actions include creating a vegetation-free 5-foot buffer around homes, installing fire-rated roofs and ember-resistant vents, and maintaining a clear deck and yard. Community efforts can include using Wildfire-Informed Development Patterns to reduce new construction in risky areas and implementing external buffers.

“These numbers may seem overwhelming, but research shows that mitigation efforts make a real difference in potential losses from wildfires,” said Schneyer. “The good news is there are actions people can take to lessen the risk.”

This article originally appeared on Insurify.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.

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 6 Types of Insurance You Should Never Ignore

6 Types of Insurance You Should Never Ignore

These days, you can insure almost anything. Did you know, for example, that Julia Roberts has insurance for her teeth, and before Daniel Craig filmed a James Bond movie, he insured his entire body? While you probably don’t need to insure any of your body parts for millions of dollars, you might find yourself wondering when you should buy life insurance, or whether renter’s insurance is really necessary.

To help you decide on the right type and amount of coverage, we’ve broken down which kinds of insurance you will most likely need (other than health insurance, of course).


Life insurance is about more than just financing your funeral. It also allows your family to keep paying the bills if something happens to you.

People often think they don’t need life insurance if they don’t have dependents. But if you have debt such as student loans that someone has co-signed, your life insurance can be used to pay off your loans.

It’s common for employers to offer life insurance as part of their benefits package, but it’s worth noting that the life insurance your employer offers may not be enough, especially if you have dependents. Ideally, your life insurance payout should be enough to invest and yield returns that could replace your income annually. For example, if you assume that you’ll get a 5% return on the money you invest, you would need $1 million in coverage to replace a $50,000 income.

Here’s an overview of some of the most common life insurance options you might consider.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is the simplest and most common form of life insurance. It covers your life for a specific period of time, and pays only if your death occurs during the term. This timeframe is typically anywhere from one to thirty years, the longer the term the higher the premium. Term life insurance can be more affordable than other types of life insurance.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance covers you for your entire life. If you make consistent payments toward your policy, you’ll build a cash reserve for your family upon your death.

Universal Life Insurance

In exchange for premiums, universal life insurance can provide coverage for as long as the policyholder is alive, and some policies also accrue cash value. When the policyholder dies, their beneficiaries typically receive a tax-free death benefit in the amount specified by the policy.

Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Indexed universal life insurance (IUL) gives policyholders the option to put money towards either a fixed account or an equity index account. Index accounts with universal life policies often include well-known indexes and can be a good option if you’d like to accumulate tax-deferred cash as well as maintain a set amount of money in a fixed account.


Disability income insurance, also referred to as disability insurance, replaces a portion of your salary if you become disabled. Some employers don’t offer disability insurance, but even if yours does, you may want to consider a supplementary policy to top up the amount that you receive.

Depending on the policy, disability insurance kicks in when you become partially, completely, temporarily, or permanently disabled. Keep in mind that there is often a waiting period before benefits start, which could range from one month to a year, depending on your policy and whether you have short-term or long-term disability insurance. The longer the waiting period on your policy, the cheaper your premiums often are.

If you have to take a job that pays less because of a disability, some policies may pay you part of the difference.

Note that disability insurance is expensive, often between 1% and 3% of your salary, and many organizations offer it as a benefit. If you’re evaluating offers between two employers, it’s worth factoring in how valuable this type of insurance is to you.

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If you’re considering a nursing home, day care, home health aide, or other type of long-term care, be prepared to pay. A Genworth survey found that the average price of a private room in a nursing home is $9,034 a month. A typical assisted living facility charges around $4,500 a month, while a home health aide runs $5,148 a month.

To ensure you can foot the bill, the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance recommends buying a policy in your mid-50s to qualify for the best premiums. Benefits kick in when someone isn’t able to take care of everyday activities or suffers from severe cognitive impairments. 

Policies vary by the specific level of impairment, the type of services provided, and the length of time the covered person lives after becoming impaired.

Depending on your policy, your benefits may not start until up to 90 days after impairment, and some may require that you receive paid care in the meantime.

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If you own or lease a car, car insurance is a must. But there are different kinds to consider.

Collision and comprehensive insurance will cover damage to your car and can help replace it if it’s been stolen.

Liability insurance covers you if you get sued after causing an accident. There are three maximum liability limits you can get in a car insurance policy: bodily injury per person in a given accident, bodily injury for all injuries in a given accident, and personal property damage in a given accident. Each state requires different insurance minimums by law.

However, you may want higher limits than the minimum. You may be able to save money on collision and comprehensive coverage by getting a higher deductible of $500 or $1,000. If you drive a car that’s worth less than $1,000, you may want to consider dropping collision and comprehensive, though you’ll still need liability.

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Homeowners insurance covers damages to your home or theft of personal possessions. It also includes liability insurance to cover accidents that happen on your property. However, it excludes things like floods, earthquakes, and the (hopefully unlikely) event of war.

You should have at least enough insurance to cover the replacement value of your home and possessions. This usually means getting guaranteed (or extended) replacement cost coverage. That’s different from actual cash value coverage, which covers you for the current value of your possessions.

If you’re renting instead of buying, renter’s insurance is similar, but only covers your possessions and personal liability for damages. It’s worth having in case you leave the water on and accidentally flood your kitchen. The minimum deductible for tenant or homeowner’s insurance is usually $500, but according to the Insurance Information Institute, raising the deductible could save you money.

One important element for both of these is liability insurance. This helps protect you against lawsuits, and covers things like people slipping and falling on your property. One hundred thousand dollars of liability coverage is a fairly standard amount.


Umbrella coverage is essentially extra liability insurance, and most importantly, it protects you and your assets in the event of a lawsuit. It covers you beyond the limits of your car or home liability coverage. For example, umbrella coverage will protect you from libel, slander and false imprisonment.

Often it is more economical to get an umbrella policy rather than getting excess home or car liability coverage. It’s a good idea to coordinate car, home, and liability coverages. After all, you wouldn’t typically have a $100,000 deductible on your umbrella policy if your car and homeowner’s insurance have $100,000 of coverage.

The first $1 million in umbrella coverage typically costs about $150 to $300 a year, which is often less than what most people would pay for additional coverage in that amount. As your income grows and you accumulate assets, you may want to consider raising the limit.


Insurance can offer peace of mind and a degree of financial security. But the type and amount of coverage you need will depend on a number of factors, including your lifestyle, health, budget, and financial goals.

This article originally appeared on SoFi.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.

Insurance not available in all states.
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Coverage and pricing is subject to eligibility and underwriting criteria.
Ladder Insurance Services, LLC (CA license # OK22568; AR license # 3000140372) distributes term life insurance products issued by multiple insurers- for further details see ladderlife. All insurance products are governed by the terms set forth in the applicable insurance policy. Each insurer has financial responsibility for its own products.
Ladder, SoFi and SoFi Agency are separate, independent entities and are not responsible for the financial condition, business, or legal obligations of the other, Social Finance. Inc. (SoFi) and Social Finance Life Insurance Agency, LLC (SoFi Agency) do not issue, underwrite insurance or pay claims under Ladder Life™ policies. SoFi is compensated by Ladder for each issued term life policy.
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