Table for 1, Ticket for Me: Prepping for Solo Travel After 50 in 2025


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Let’s look at 2025 and prepping for solo travel – who is in?

So, it’s the beginning of January. The gyms are crowded, planners are pristine, and everyone’s buzzing with resolutions they’ll forget by Valentine’s Day. Me? I’ve got my sights set on something bigger, bolder, and infinitely more satisfying.

Image Credit: whyframestudio / iStock.

Solo Travel:

Cue the gasps. “Alone?” they’ll ask, like I’m announcing I’m heading into a war zone without backup. Yes, alone. No chaperone, no agenda but my own, and no one to argue over where to have dinner. Solo travel isn’t about loneliness; it’s about liberation.

Here’s the thing, ladies: Midlife is the sweet spot. We’re seasoned enough to know what we want, courageous enough to take it, and finally free from pleasing every last person on the itinerary. And you know what? I refuse to wait for someone else to decide they’re ready to join me.

If you’re flirting with the idea of a solo trip in 2025, let me hold your hand for a second. Solo travel is not as scary as it sounds. I promise you, the only thing you’ll lose is your hesitation. But, like any bold move, it takes a little prep work.

Image Credit: MStudioImages.

5 Steps For Prepping For Solo Travel:

  1. Start Small. No One’s Asking You to Backpack through Nepal.

Think local-ish. A weekend trip to that nearby beach town or city you’ve always wanted to explore. Baby steps, sister. You don’t need to jet-set to Bali right away (unless you want to, then go for it, queen).

When I started, I took a three-day trip to Asheville. Hiking, coffee shops, and a cozy B&B where no one asked me why I wasn’t married. Heavenly.

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2. Plan Just Enough—Then Let Go.

Do you need to know where you’re staying? Yes. Should you have a general idea of what’s fun to do? Sure. But you’re not building a PowerPoint presentation for your boss, so leave some breathing room. The magic of solo travel lies in spontaneity.

Leave space for that unplanned afternoon wandering through tiny shops or sipping wine while people-watching. No one’s rushing you.

Image Credit: PeopleVideos/istockphoto.

3. Safety Isn’t Fear. It’s Strategy.

Let’s be real—solo travel as a woman requires some street smarts. But here’s the deal: Being prepared isn’t living in fear; it’s honoring your freedom. Share your itinerary with a friend, keep a portable charger, and for goodness’ sake, don’t post your exact location on Instagram in real time. Let the stalkers work for it.

And yes, trust your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. Walk confidently like you know where you’re going (even if you don’t).

Image Credit: Olezzo/istockphoto.

4. Fall in Love with Your Own Company.

The first time I sat alone at a beautiful restaurant and ordered an appetizer and dessert without a single apology, I swear the skies parted. It’s amazing how quickly you stop caring who’s watching when you realize no one actually is.

Bring a book, journal, or just people-watch to your heart’s content. You’ll realize something: Your own company is pretty damn delightful.

Image Credit: jacoblund / istockphoto.

5. Make This the Year You Stop Waiting.

This is the big one, ladies. How many trips have you postponed because no one could come with you? How many adventures have you shelved because your best friend had work, your husband didn’t want to fly, or your sister couldn’t find a dog-sitter?

Enough. Life isn’t waiting. Neither should you.

Book the trip. Buy the train ticket, snag that cheap flight, or pick a cozy cabin rental. If the thought of going solo makes your heart race, then congratulations—you’re onto something big. That nervous energy? That’s your comfort zone cracking wide open.

Image Credit: franz12 / istockphoto.

The Truth About Solo Travel:

Here’s the truth about solo travel: It’s not just about seeing new places. It’s about proving to yourself that you can. It’s about showing up for your own life, fully and unapologetically.

So, this year, I’m raising a glass—probably by myself, at some tucked-away wine bar in a city I’ve never been to—to every woman who books that first trip alone. To the ones who stop waiting and start moving.

Trust me, you’ll come home with more than just souvenirs. You’ll come home with a version of yourself you didn’t know you’d been missing.

Now, go ahead and book that “table for one.” You’ll love it.

This article originally appeared on and was syndicated by

Image Credit: Vladimir Vladimirov.
