Tasty Treats Beyond Candy Perfect for a Sweet & Succulent Spooky Season


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Trick or treat…give us something good to eat! The haunted October holiday of Halloween is synonymous with pumpkins, costumes, and candy.

While most trick-or-treaters expect to collect a sackful of chocolates, candy bars, and assorted Halloween-themed candies on October 31, not everyone hopes for Halloween candy. Fortunately, there are so many candy alternatives for Halloween, including small Halloween toys and non-candy foods, that can allow you to eat, drink, and be scary this Halloween! 

Image Credit: Goldbelly.

What to Give Kids Instead of Candy?

There are many candy alternatives to pass out for Halloween instead of candy. Things to give kids instead of candy include classic and inexpensive trinkets like Halloween stickers, plastic spider rings, slime, plastic vampire teeth, pencils, temporary tattoos, and glow–in-the-dark everything.

If you want to give out edible treats to trick-or-treaters or at trunk-or-treat, consider healthy options like apples (Bobbing for Apples, anyone?), oranges, and pumpkin-shaped pretzels, and sweet treats like Halloween party food and Halloween desserts like cookiescakes, and cupcakes. If you’re throwing a Halloween party, pumpkin soup and spooky punch are delicious alternatives to candy.

Image Credit: Goldbelly.

Candy Alternatives for Halloween

Give ’em pumpkin to talk about with the most boo-tiful and delicious Halloween desserts, including pumpkin-shaped treats, Halloween colored bagels, and festive rice crispy treats. With desserts this cute, you may want to hand out tricks instead and keep these treats for yourself.

Image Credit: Goldbelly.

Halloween Cookies

Halloween is the perfect holiday for baking up Halloween cutout cookies and Halloween themed stuffed cookies. Our Halloween cookies come in all spooky shapes, including giant cookie cakes, and sizes, ranging from cute cookie samplers to colossal cookie gifts.

Image Credit: Goldbelly.

Halloween Cupcakes

Have a Happy Halloween with creative and delicious cupcakes that take the cake this October. We have a frighteningly long list of Halloween cupcake flavors to impress every ghost and goblin.

Image Credit: Goldbelly.

Halloween Cakes

Let the ghoul times roll with Halloween-themed decorated cakes and cake jars. It’s a piece of cake serving up “costumed” cakes, including spooky layer cakes, creepy cake jars, and exploding Halloween cakes.

Image Credit: Goldbelly.

Halloween Party Food

Knock, Knock! Who’s there? No tricks, only the most fab-boo-lous Halloween party food. Whether you need some finger foods, got the munchies, or are hosting a fabulous feast, you’ll have a hauntingly fun time with our Halloween party food.

This article originally appeared on Goldbelly.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org

Image Credit: Goldbelly.

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Image Credit: fortyforks / iStock.
