We all know the feeling — it’s been a long day, you plop down on the couch, and then remember, dinner has to happen. And that’s why the universe created pizza delivery. Some days are busier than others, though, forcing long wait times for your pie. Don’t get stuck going hungry because you called in on the most popular day for ordering pizza.
Image Credit: Goldbelly.
What Are the Top 5 Days for Pizza Sales?
What days do people eat pizza the most? You probably won’t be surprised to find out it’s holidays or days where you otherwise have a ton to do because of an event. Keep reading to discover the busiest days for pizza sales.
Image Credit: Goldbelly.
Congratulations, Halloween! You’re the spookiest season, and also the pizza-iest season. More people order pizza on Halloween than any other day. Everyone’s over to go out and get candy, or you’re handing it out at the door — it’s a day of parties and revelry, and the best companion for that is a piping hot pie. Plus, we’re pretty sure the savoriness of pizza will cut through the sweetness of the 18th bag of Skittles you just downed.
Image Credit: Liudmila Chernetska/istockphoto.
Day Before Thanksgiving
You know who wants to make a separate dinner when they’ve spent all day preparing for a major holiday the next day? Nobody. No wonder the day before Thanksgiving is a busy pizza delivery day. It’s a quick, hot meal, one that doesn’t require you to stand over the oven for eight hours waiting for a little temperature pin to pop up.
Image Credit: :gbh007 /Istockphoto.
New Year’s Eve
We love New Year’s Eve. It’s chaotic and fun, and around dinner time, you’ve probably already had several glasses of champagne to practice for the big countdown at midnight. Join the crowd and toast to your local pizza delivery place — everyone else is doing it, and you can even bring a slice with you on your way to the next party.
Image Credit: SeventyFour/istockphoto.
New Year’s Day
Two words: comfort food. You’re groggy from being up all night, the revelers have headed home, and the party horns are silent. It’s the perfect time to sooth your soul with something familiar.
Image Credit: EzumeImages/Istockphoto.
Super Bowl Sunday
Super Bowl Sunday held the record for busiest pizza delivery day for a good long time, but now takes second place to Halloween. It makes sense — you’ve got all your buddies over for the game and people need to eat. And let’s be real, appetizers and chicken wings can only tide you over for so long before you want an actual meal.
This article originally appeared on Goldbelly.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org
Image Credit: shironosov/istockphoto.
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Image Credit: Goldbelly.