Walmart! No! Step away from the test kitchen!
What did we ever do to you other than refuse to stick to your overly stringent dress code? Nothing! We give you mad respect and unparalleled loyalty. Yeah, you are the only option in a lot of places, but still…we’re there with almost smiles on even if we did forget our pants.
And this is our reward? Really??
Was there a clamor that I totally missed? An uprising? Were people asking for this?
They were not, but Walmart has teamed up with Brooklyn-based Van Leeuwen Ice Cream (known for their interesting flavor combos) to distribute their dairy and vegan ice creams. Some of these flavors, though, are … questionable? I don’t know. I mean, maybe these flavors taste better than they sound:
- Pizza
- Hot Honey
- Kraft Mac & Cheese
- Royal Wedding Cake
See? I told you it was bad.
OK, so Royal Wedding Cake and Hot Honey sound pretty amazing. OK, OK, most of them sound really good, but Planet Earth flavor? Made of spirulina and almond ice cream with bits of matcha green tea cake? Why do you want to make God cry? Why?
The collaboration between the retail Goliath and the coolly unconventional creamery is offering up seven flavors so far and they are available now at 3,500 select Walmart stores….but for a limited time only, so grab your jeggings and get over there!
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