What do you think of when we say holiday season? Food, family, festivities, more food? Probably not fitness, though, right?
But you don’t need to lose all your hard-earned fitness just because Thanksgiving has rolled around again. Even better, you don’t have to restrict yourself or miss out on all the fun to stick to your fitness goals.
Below, you’ll find our top science-backed tips for staying fit during the holidays.
Image Credit: BartekSzewczyk / iStock.
1. Pack Your Plate With Protein
Protein is an important nutrient at any time of year, but it can be neglected when dishes like mashed potatoes and dinner rolls make an appearance.
Try adding a protein source to each of your meals and snacks this holiday season. This can help you feel fuller and more satisfied, reducing the odds of overeating. It can also help you maintain muscle mass and may even reduce food cravings.
Bonus tip: Fill up on fiber, too, to stay fuller for longer. Try filling most of your plate with protein and fiber sources — think lean meats, whole grains, and veggies — then topping up with smaller portions of other foods.
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2. Choose When to Indulge
There are so many opportunities to indulge over the holidays, but you don’t have to take each and every one of them. Consider which festive foods, drinks, and days you like the most and enjoy those without any shame or guilt.
For example, you might to eat want you want on holidays, but stick to healthy portion sizes on other days.
Skip workouts on busy December weekends, but get your heart rate up on weekdays
Savor pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, but pass on the office cookie swap
Enjoy eggnog (or your holiday drink of choice) at holiday parties, but stick to sparkling water at home
Don’t be afraid to say no to activities, foods, or alcoholic beverages when you’re not feeling them.
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3. Eat More Mindfully
It’s easy to graze at the buffet table all party long or reach for cookie after cookie when watching Christmas movies.
Try bringing more mindfulness to your holiday eating.
Ask yourself whether you’re eating because you’re hungry — or because you really want to enjoy this festive treat — or out of boredom, habit, stress, or loneliness.
You can also eat your main meals more slowly and mindfully, taking your time and noticing when you’re starting to feel full. Research shows that eating a meal at a slower pace can help you feel less hungry and eat less food later that day.
And if you do want to graze, reach for healthy snacks, like fruit, nuts, or air-popped popcorn. (Learn more about 10 Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss.)
Image Credit: vasiliybudarin/istockphoto.
4. Fit Different Workouts Into Your Day
Speaking of snacks — try exercise “snacks,” or short bursts of exercise. Your holiday schedule might be jam-packed, but you can still exercise during the holidays, even if you don’t have time for your full workout routine.
You could:
Go for a brisk walk around the block after meals
Do bodyweight exercises at the start of each day (try five sets of 10 reps of squats, push-ups, and sit-ups)
Stream a yoga session before bed when guests have left
Do some stretches or jumping jacks every hour or so during those lethargic days
FYI, these holiday fitness tips can also be useful if you’re traveling over the holidays and don’t have access to your usual gym or at-home equipment and can’t do your typical exercise routine.
Image Credit: yacobchuk / istockphoto.
5. Get Active With Family and Friends
One of the best things about the holidays is seeing family and friends you might not see often throughout the year. But all that socializing often comes with lots of high-calorie foods and drinks — and not much physical activity.
Try shaking it up. Instead of — or as well as — board games and movie marathons, plan long walks with visiting family members to check out the neighborhood decorations, take the kids ice skating, organize active games, or meet an old friend for a misty morning hike.
You might find people welcome the chance to get off the sofa and do some holiday exercise.
Image Credit: Depositphotos.com.
6. Sign Up for a Holiday Fun Run
Along with all the not-so-healthy things that come with the holidays, look for active and fitness-based activities you can enjoy.
That could be a:
Turkey trot or holiday fun run
Charity soccer or basketball game
Festive-themed dance
Group fitness classes
Signing up for an activity might help you stay accountable to keeping active during the holiday season. Plus, who doesn’t love working out to the classic that is “All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey?
Image Credit: FireAtDusk / istockphoto.
7. Drink More Water
Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated can help you feel your best while also helping control your appetite. Plus, if you’re drinking water, you might naturally drink less alcohol and soft drinks.
If you’re struggling to stick to healthy portion sizes, try drinking a glass of water before meals or a glass before going back for seconds.
If the change in routine means you forget to drink up, try carrying a water bottle with you when traveling and setting reminders to drink water during the day. (Learn more about Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight?.)
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8. Set Aside Time for Self-Care
Holiday stress is real, especially if you’re worried about maintaining your fitness during this time. So, don’t forget to look after your mental health and wellness during this busy time, as well as your physical well-being.
Try incorporating a few stress-management techniques into your daily routine like:
Deep breathing exercises
Talking walks in nature (bonus points here for getting those steps in)
Take time to do activities you enjoy, connect with loved ones, and wind down after long, busy days. Set boundaries and try not to overcommit around the holidays.
Image Credit: Daniel de la Hoz/istockphoto.
9. Prioritize Sleep
Sleep is a key part of staying fit during the holidays — and every other time of year. Take extra steps to protect your sleep from holiday disruptions.
That could mean:
Packing an eye mask and earplugs when visiting family
Setting a bedtime alarm to make sure you don’t accidentally stay up too late too often
Avoiding sugary snacks, alcohol, and meals close to bedtime (try enjoying them earlier in the day if you’re partaking)
Creating a relaxing bedtime routine you can follow, no matter the day or location you’re sleeping in — think skincare, meditation, and 30 minutes of reading before lights out
Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep a night and as regular a sleep schedule as possible.
Image Credit: SementsovaLesia / iStock.
Staying Fit During the Holidays — and Beyond
You can enjoy rich meals, sugary treats, and lazy days during the holidays without throwing away all your fitness progress. Fitness isn’t built in a day, so it isn’t lost in a day, either.
Here’s what to remember about how to stay fit during the holidays:
Just because you have one or two days of overindulging doesn’t mean you need to write off the entire six-week stretch from Thanksgiving until New Year.
Little efforts can make a big difference, like incorporating more steps into your day, asking loved ones to go on walks, drinking lots of water, and planning healthy meals around holiday gatherings.
Every bit of exercise, portion of veggies, or good night’s sleep goes toward maintaining your fitness.
This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Learn more about our editorial standards here.
This article originally appeared on ForHers.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.
Image Credit: NoSystem images/istockphoto.
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