This article was reviewed by Craig Primack, MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA.
Most people break their New Year’s resolutions within three months. And let’s face it, some of us don’t even make it to the end of January. It’s sad but true. With the odds stacked against you, you may be wondering whether New Year’s resolutions are worth making.
Ultimately, it will depend on you and your goals. But generally speaking, we think New Year’s resolutions can be effective.
While you can set goals any time of year, January 1st gives you that blank-slate feeling. The holidays are over, you’re getting back into your routine, and motivation is in the air.
Read on to learn why New Year’s resolutions are important to so many people and how you can make them work for you. We’ll explain how you can set goals and develop healthy habits that you’ll actually stick to.
Are New Year’s Resolutions Effective?
They can be. When you set New Year’s resolutions, you’re dedicating time to self-reflection and thinking hopefully about positive changes you want to make in the coming year. This can give you clarity, intention, and motivation.
“New Year’s resolutions are a sign of commitment,” says Jessica Yu, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and Senior Director of Patient Experience at Hims & Hers. “For people trying to lose weight, resolutions help bring a vague thought about wanting to lose weight into focus. They encourage people to be specific about their weight loss goals and what it will take to reach them.”
The science of goal-setting can help you set New Year’s resolutions that you’ll actually stick to.
5 Tips for Setting New Year’s Resolutions
Here are some tips to help you make and reach your self-improvement goals:
1. Set SMART Goals
If you’ve read any goal-setting advice before, you might have heard of SMART goals.
SMART goals are goals that are:
Rather than general New Year’s resolutions of “workout more” or “lose weight,” SMART goals would be “walk for at least 30 minutes, five times a week, for the next three months” or “lose 10 pounds by sister’s wedding in April.” They’re more specific and quantifiable.
2. Set “Approach” Goals
You might not have heard of these types of goals. “Approach” goals are action-oriented; they involve doing something. They may be more effective than goals that focus on restriction or avoidance. “Avoidance” goals involve not doing something.
For example, an approach goal would be: drink more water. An avoidance goal would be: stop drinking soda with dinner.
Research shows approach goals are associated with more positive emotions and better well-being. Beyond being better for your mental health, they may help you stick to your resolutions.
One study found that those who set approach goals as their New Year’s resolutions were significantly more successful than those who set avoidance goals.
3. Plan for and Accept Setbacks
Setbacks happen. But you don’t need to give up on your goals just because you slipped up or life got busy.
Make a plan for any potential setbacks you can see coming — like a vacation. Consider adapting your goals during this time and making a plan to get back on track.
New Year’s resolutions that involve moving toward a goal or building a new habit — like eating healthier — allow for flexibility. While strict resolutions that require you to do (or not do) something every day — like give up carbs — can set you up to fail.
A year is a long time. Don’t let one or two off days ruin what could be a great year for you. If you have a setback, give yourself some grace, adjust your goals if necessary, and keep moving forward.
4. Track Your Progress With a Friend
There’s mixed research on this one, so it really depends on what motivates you. But one study suggests that sharing your goals with a friend could help you achieve them. And sharing your weekly progress can help even more.
The study divided participants into five groups:
Group one was asked to just think about their goals.
Group two was asked to write down their goals.
Group three was asked to write down their goals and make an action plan for how they’d achieve them.
Group four was asked to write down their goals, make an action plan, and send their goals and action plan to a friend.
Group five was asked to write down their goals, make an action plan, send their goals and action plan to a friend, and share weekly progress with that friend.
We’re sure you can guess which group was most successful. Group five achieved significantly more than the other groups.
If sharing your personal goals or progress with a friend feels like too much, think about joining a support group or working with a coach or healthcare provider.
And know that even just writing your goals down — as opposed to just envisioning them — can help you achieve them.
5. Choose a Start Date That Works for You
Yes, they’re called New Year’s resolutions, but don’t let that put you off. Set goals at any point that works for you.
If you’re traveling for the holidays and back on January 10th, set your goals to begin then. If January is a crazy work month for you, start your resolutions on February 1st or focus on small steps before then.
Starting goals at a time that suits you best will only help you achieve them — and feel better about the whole process.
It doesn’t matter if it’s midnight on January 1st or 2:18 p.m. on a Tuesday in March. There’s never a bad time to start working toward a healthier you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some final FAQs about setting New Year’s resolutions:
Why are New Year’s resolutions important?
They’re a great opportunity to reflect on not-so-good habits from the past year, think about what you want for your life, focus on a new beginning, and use that “fresh-start effect” to kickstart your journey.
What is a New Year’s resolution?
New Year’s resolutions can involve building healthy habits, breaking bad habits, or taking action to create the life you want. There are no rules. And remember, a resolution doesn’t have to be something you do (or don’t do) every day. It can be a goal you want to work toward over the coming year.
Do New Year’s resolutions work?
New Year’s resolutions can work if you set achievable goals, plan for setbacks, and allow for flexibility. Putting your goals down on proverbial paper can help — list them in your notes app, put them in a journal, or stick a Post-it note on your bathroom mirror. For extra accountability, share your goals with a loved one and update them on your progress throughout the year.
How many New Year’s resolutions should I make?
This one’s highly personal. About half of Americans make more than one New Year’s resolution each year. But too many resolutions can pull your energy and focus in too many directions and lead to overwhelm. Try setting one main goal and a few smaller, supporting goals.
Are New Year’s Resolutions Worth Making? Final Thoughts
Many of us set resolutions in the New Year only to break them a few months, weeks, or maybe even days later. So, should you make New Year’s resolutions? We still think so.
Why are New Year’s resolutions worth making? There’s nothing special about January 1st. But for many, the first day of the year creates a fresh-start feeling that motivates them to make changes.
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