Can Gummy Edibles Help with This Common Male Problem?


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This article was reviewed by Kelly Brown MD, MBA.

A pack of gummy bears may have lifted your spirits as a kid, but these days, some gummies are claiming to lift a lot more.

Gummies for ED are non-prescription edible products claiming to improve your functions and help you have a better intimate life. But do they work?

It’s complicated.

There is some evidence that popular gummy ingredients like cannabidiol (CBD) may help relieve anxiety associated with ED, but there’s also evidence that cannabis sativa (from which CBD is extracted) can make things worse.

To help you decide if you should take a gummy for ED before your next big date, let’s look into how these products work, if they work at all, and why you should always exercise caution when using products containing any part of the cannabis plant.

Signs You May Have ED

Impacting about 30 million men in the U.S. alone, ED is a dysfunction that interferes with your ability to obtain or maintain an arousal long enough for a satisfactory experience. It can be a short-term problem prompted by performance anxiety or stress, or it can be a long-term issue related to certain health conditions or medications.

Signs of ED include:

  • Only being able to get an arousal in specific situations (e.g. while “self pleasuring,” but not with a partner)

  • You can get an arousal, but it’s not hard enough or you can’t maintain it long enough to have satisfying intimacy

  • You are unable to get an arousal at any time

Though ED is typically associated with older men, studies show it’s becoming increasingly common in young, healthy men. Contributing factors include anxiety disorders and depression, low testosterone levels, and certain medications (like antidepressants).

What Are EDGummies?

ED gummies are male enhancement supplements said to contain ingredients that help you get and stay aroused, and potentially improve your intimate desire and overall well-being. They are usually available without a prescription, though those containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the part of the cannabis plant that gets you high, may only be available at cannabis dispensaries (legality varies across states).

Common Ingredients in Gummies for ED

From horny goat weed (a fitting name) to cannabidiol, or CBD (the part of the cannabis plant that won’t get you high), there are a number of ingredients a gummy for ED might contain.

Some of the most popular formulations include:

  • CBD

  • THC

  • Maca root

  • Ginseng

  • Horny goat weed

  • Amino acids like L-Arginine

  • Ashwagandha

  • Fenugreek

  • Tribulus terrestris

Do Arousal Gummies Work?

Before you start popping gummies for ED, you should know there is very little evidence these products are proven to effectively treat ED, which is a legit intimate dysfunction that requires legit medical care.

When it comes to CBD gummies for ED, which are the most popular type, there is some evidence that cannabis may improve intimate function (including ED) if your issues stem from mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. But even the best CBD gummies for ED should be used with caution due to quality concerns and research that suggests the risks of cannabis outweigh the benefits of CBD.

Cannabis and ED: The Good Stuff

If you think of cannabis as the ultimate wingman because it revs up your drive or levels up your arousals, there’s a good chance the benefits are mostly psychological.

Studies show that men with anxiety have a higher risk of developing psychological ED. This can be due to performance anxiety, especially if you’ve had trouble with ED in the past, prescription drugs taken for anxiety, or if you tend to use (or abuse) alcohol to deal with anxiety.

If you use CBD gummies, CBD oil or other cannabis products, it may help ED associated with anxiety by interacting with the endocannabinoid system and helping you feel more relaxed. Brain imaging studies show that CBD deactivates the amygdala, a part of the brain that controls fear. It also increases blood flow to the hippocampus, improving emotional memory processing to reduce anxiety. But ED gummies claiming to increase blood flow to the privates may be taking things too far. Though one of the benefits of CBD gummies includes improved blood flow in the brain, there is no substantial evidence that it has any positive effects on blood vessels within the privates.

Some research also suggests that cannabis use is associated with higher testosterone, which may have a positive effect on intimate function. In a study of 7,809 men, of which 993 were cannabis users, cannabis use was associated with higher intimate frequency scores as well as higher testosterone levels. However, these positive effects appear to be dose dependent. The researchers mention that testosterone is lower in chronic heavy cannabis users, which could spell trouble for intimate function, as previous research has confirmed a strong association between low testosterone and ED.

Cannabis and ED: The Risks

Despite the potential positive effects of CBD and other cannabis products for ED, there is also evidence of potential risks and side effects.

In a review of five case-controlled studies of 3,395 healthy men, of which 1,025 used cannabis, cannabis users were four times more likely to struggle with ED than those who didn’t use. In the same way that ED gummies containing cannabis might relieve anxiety by interacting with cannabinoid receptors in the brain, the researchers explain that cannabis may have a negative effect on cannabinoid receptors in your tissues, or your corpus cavernosum.

Chronic cannabis also has some gnarly side effects, which can have a negative effect on intimate function, suggesting again that lower doses are preferred.

Like proper dosage, ensuring you’re taking a high-quality product is just as important when using ED gummies, whether they contain CBD, THC, or any other ingredient purported to enhance intimate function. According to a report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), commercial, non-FDA-approved CBD products tend to differ significantly in composition from products used in clinical studies and there is limited scientific evidence supporting their safety in terms of purity, potency and content.

Even when dosage is correctly represented on a label and third-party lab testing is conducted, there is a risk that you may consume too much cannabis anyway, especially if the gummy you are taking contains THC and you’re trying to get high as well as hard. Research shows that it takes longer for the psychoactive effect of edibles (around 30 to 90 minutes) to be felt, which can lead you to take too much too soon in efforts to speed up the process. This can result in too much THC in your system and thus, a higher risk of ED.

What About Other Types of ED Supplement Forms?

Like those containing cannabis, ED gummies that use botanical extracts and natural ingredients also have limited research supporting their claims.

This comprehensive review that examined 369 studies on 718 medicinal plants found that results were mixed in terms of their usefulness in enhancing intimate performance.

Like other dietary supplements and male enhancement pills, over-the-counter ED products like gummies often fail to outperform placebos in research and may be unsafe if you use other types of medication. Always get medical advice first before mixing ED gummies and prescription meds.

Alternatives to Arousal Gummies

There’s a reason why prescription drugs like Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil) and Stendra (Avanafil) are so popular — they’ve been thoroughly researched and they’re approved by the FDA.

These drugs belong to a class of drugs known as PDE5 inhibitors, which increase blood flow to the privates and directly improve intimate function, whether the cause is psychological, physical or a mix of both.

A Final Word on ED Gummies: Do They Work?

ED gummies may not be hard to get but they probably won’t get you hard either. Remember:

  • The best CBD gummies for ED help relieve anxiety associated with ED, but there’s also evidence that cannabis (from which CBD is extracted) can worsen intimate function.

  • In one study, cannabis users were actually four times more likely to struggle with ED than those who didn’t use cannabis. This risk goes up the more you use.

  • Other botanical extracts used in ED gummies also have limited scientific evidence supporting their claims.

  • The quality of an ED gummy, whether it contains cannabis or not, is not always evident, which may pose health concerns.

  • A safer and more effective alternative to CBD gummies for ED is prescription chewable ED medication containing science-backed ingredients like sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil and avanafil.

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Featured Image Credit: Dima Berlin / iStock.
