What is Compounded Tirzepatide? Here’s What You Need to Know


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This article was reviewed by Craig Primack, MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA.

If you’re starting a weight loss journey, you might have stumbled upon tirzepatide — the drug approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) under the brand names Mounjaro and Zepbound.

But what is compounded tirzepatide?

Compounded tirzepatide is a formulation of tirzepatide that’s been changed in some way from the FDA-approved versions of the drug. Compounding can include adding extra ingredients, removing ingredients, or using different strengths of ingredients.

We’ll dive more into what compounded tirzepatide is exactly and run you through the benefits and safety concerns to be aware of.

Image Credit: KatarzynaBialasiewicz / iStock.

About Compounded Tirzepatide

Compounded tirzepatide is a formulation of tirzepatide — a medication for type 2 diabetes and weight loss. Tirzepatide is the active ingredient in the FDA-approved versions of the drug, Mounjaro and Zepbound, which are made by the pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly.

Compounded tirzepatide has the same active ingredient as Mounjaro and Zepbound, but it hasn’t been FDA-approved. 

According to the FDA, compounding usually involves altering the ingredients of a drug or adding new ingredients. 

Compounding happens for numerous reasons, including:

  • Removing an allergen, like a dye or peanut oil, for a particular patient

  • Making a liquid form of a medication for those who can’t swallow tablets

  • Changing the dose strengths or diluting them to suit an individual’s need

  • Making a different version if there are drug shortages of the FDA-approved version

This final reason is why compounded tirzepatide is becoming more common. When a drug is on the FDA’s shortage list, compounded versions of it become legal.

Since 2022, there’s been a shortage of Mounjaro and Zepbound due to the increase in demand for the drugs. Creating a compound version of Mounjaro and Zepbound allows compounding pharmacies to meet demand.

Some forms of compounded tirzepatide may be almost identical to Mounjaro and Zepbound — but you can also find compounded tirzepatide with B12 added to the mix.

You might also come across products called compounded Mounjaro or compounded Zepbound. These are the same as compounded tirzepatide, as Mounjaro and Zepbound are just brand names for the active ingredient tirzepatide.

Something compounded tirzepatide is not? Generic tirzepatide. There’s currently no generic version of Mounjaro or Zepbound.

Image Credit: Douglas Cliff / iStock.

Is Compounded Tirzepatide the Same as Mounjaro?

No, compounded tirzepatide isn’t the same as Mounjaro — but it’s pretty close. Unlike Mounjaro, compounded tirzepatide hasn’t been FDA-approved or tested in clinical trials. 

Mounjaro is one brand name for tirzepatide. It’s FDA-approved to help people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. It’s also often prescribed off-label for weight loss.

An off-label prescription is when a healthcare provider prescribes a drug for something it hasn’t been FDA-approved for.

Image Credit: Carolina Rudah/istockphoto.

What Are the Benefits of Compounded Tirzepatide?

The main benefits of compounded tirzepatide are that:

  • It’s cheaper. If you’re taking tirzepatide for weight loss, you might find the drug isn’t covered by insurance. It comes with a hefty price tag, which can add up if you take the drug for a long time. Compounded tirzepatide is often cheaper than FDA-approved versions, making it much more accessible.

  • It’s more widely available. As there are often shortages of tirzepatide, you might find compounded tirzepatide is more readily available than FDA-approved versions.

Compounded tirzepatide from licensed providers should come with similar health benefits to non-compounded tirzepatide.

Those include:

  • Improved blood sugar control (glucose) for people with type 2 diabetes

  • Weight loss for folks with overweight or obesity

Research sponsored by Eli Lilly shows that tirzepatide can reduce appetite, minimize cravings, and increase feelings of fullness. This can help you move toward a healthy weight and make weight management easier.

It’s pretty effective too. A 2023 systematic review looked at 10 studies with almost 10,000 participants in total. Those taking tirzepatide lost almost 22 pounds more than people taking a placebo.

Participants taking tirzepatide also lost more body weight than those taking glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, which include drugs like Ozempic® and Wegovy®.

Image Credit: Carolina Rudah/Istockphoto.

Is Compounded Tirzepatide Safe?

Compounded tirzepatide made in FDA-regulated pharmacies should be safe and effective. But since compounded drugs aren’t approved by the FDA, so there’s no guarantee.

If you’re considering taking compounded tirzepatide, make sure you’re getting the medication from a trusted U.S.-based pharmacy with a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider.

A medical professional can walk you through the pros, cons, and common side effects of tirzepatide and compounded tirzepatide to help you figure out if it’s the right option for you.

Image Credit: Carolina Rudah/istockphoto.

What Is Compounded Tirzepatide? The Bottom Line

Compounded drugs are drugs that have been changed in some way from the FDA-approved version of the medication. Compounded tirzepatide is no different.

Here’s the TL;DR:

  • Compounded tirzepatide is legal and comes with benefits. It’s more widely available than FDA-approved tirzepatide, which is currently experiencing shortages, and it’s cheaper too. Compounded tirzepatide can also be made to suit the specific needs of a patient.

  • Compounded tirzepatide isn’t FDA-approved. This means there’s no guarantee it’s safe or effective.

  • If you’re considering it, go to a safe source. Just because you can buy tirzepatide without a prescription from a dodgy website doesn’t mean you should. If you’re considering compounded tirzepatide, make sure you’re getting it from a reputable supplier. 

If you can’t access FDA-approved tirzepatide — or the price is putting you off — compounded tirzepatide may be suitable for you.

If not, there are other weight loss treatments to explore. Other weight loss medications may be more available and more affordable, like metformin.

There are also healthy lifestyle changes you can make to reach your weight loss goals and improve your overall wellness. You might make these adjustments alongside or instead of medication. These include eating nutritious foods, doing more movement, drinking more water, and getting enough sleep.

This article originally appeared on ForHers.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.

Image Credit: CR / iStock.
