I love pumpkin. It’s just so versatile. There aren’t many other veggies that are so full of potential. Pumpkins can be anything from breakfast to dinner or dessert! You just can’t lose with pumpkin. And it’s so good for you! In fact, I would go so far as to say that this may be one of the most nutrient-dense ice creams on the planet! How’s that for being humble?
Image Credit: voltan1/istockphoto.
Baked Pumpkin Donuts
These made-from-scratch, baked pumpkin donuts are easy and versatile. Top them with one of the options below or your own favorites. Enjoy them as a snack, or pair them with some fresh fruit and Greek yogurt for a balanced breakfast.
Image Credit: bhofack2/istockphoto.
Vegan Pumpkin N’ice Cream
This vegan pumpkin n’ice cream is dairy-free and satisfies your pumpkin cravings for Fall!
Image Credit: artJazz / iStock.
Pumpkin Cupcakes
These pumpkin cupcakes are made with whole grain flour and no processed sugar, and you know what? They still taste delicious! (gasp!)
Image Credit: bhofack2/istockphoto.
Pumpkin Spice Mini Muffins
So if you know anything about me, you know that I love a good muffin. And I’m here to tell you that the apple does NOT fall far from the tree. Mini chef loves them just as much. Maybe more! But lately, I’ve noticed that if I give him a whole muffin, he’ll eat the entire thing and want more. So to remedy that, I started baking mini muffins on a more regular basis. These cute, pumpkin spice mini muffins are perfectly portioned for a sweet treat!
Image Credit: bhofack2/istockphoto.
Pumpkin Cheesecak
This pumpkin cheesecake is so good and uses an unexpected ingredient to make it that way!
Image Credit: iko636/istockphoto.
Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal with Cranberries
This pumpkin baked oatmeal with cranberries is destined to become a family favorite. Start your holiday mornings off right with a big bowl of oats, pumpkin, cranberries and so much more!
Image Credit: NataBene/istockphoto.
Pumpkin Blondies
Pumpkin blondies are pumpkin bars minus the frosting. They’re quick and easy treats to make, and the warm and cozy flavors of pumpkin spice and pumpkin flavor come through really well. You can even customize these with your own mix-ins.
Image Credit: Galiyah Assan/istockphoto.
Pumpkin Pie
This pumpkin pie from scratch is one of Mini Chef’s favorites. He loves to eat it every year, and I love that this recipe is just as healthy as it is delicious!
Image Credit: bhofack2/istockphoto.
Pumpkin-flavored Pancakes
Love pumpkin spice flavors this time of year? You aren’t alone! These delicious pumpkin-flavored pancakes can be made vegan, gluten-free, or just as is. But no matter how you make them, they are delicious every time!
Image Credit: jenifoto/Istockphoto.
Pumpkin Bread
The best pumpkin bread recipe is one you look forward to making again and again. For us, it’s a seasonal quick bread we look forward to all year because it tastes just like fall.
Image Credit: bhofack2/istockphoto.
Instant Pot Pumpkin Spice Cake
This Instant Pot Pumpkin Spice Cake is the perfect, small yield cake for the cooler months! If you’re as excited about Fall arriving as I am, and you love your Instant Pot, then this is the cake for you. I’ve been dreaming of autumn since June when the weather starts to get unbearable in these parts. We had a triple digit June this year and I was not happy about it.
Image Credit: freeskyline/istockphoto.
pumpkin Spice Protein Bars
These pumpkin spice protein bars are wonderful for a fall “meal” on the go! I’m really having fun with this protein bar thing. The last batch I made was cinnamon chocolate chip and it was pretty tasty. So I just had to try another favorite, pumpkin spice.
This article originally appeared on Thegraciouspantry.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org
Image Credit: MSPhotographic/istockphoto.
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