Humans are imperfect and make honest mistakes. Believe it or not, that includes reporters and journalists. Most corrections made to articles are somewhat minor details—a misspelling of a name, the wrong hometown or a slightly incorrect title. They are a blip in the paper and barely take a sentence. Serious corrections that clear up more consequential facts may be several paragraphs.
But the newspaper corrections we all live for are the ones that make you wonder what exactly got lost in translation and how. Feast upon the best of the worst newspaper corrections.
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@RobRe62 / Twitter
When stolen groceries is a killer
No one understands how this happened. Conceptually, it’s not even a parallel idea.
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@PeteBarronMedia / Twitter
At least these are both food fires
In this case, we know there was a fire in the kitchen; the fire’s source, though, vastly improves from chips to noodles (more accurately, a delicious sounding ‘smouldering pan of noodles.”)
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@JoeHight / Twitter
Cows, cows and more cows
In the world of corrections, cows figure prominently. They are almost a running gag, perhaps attributable to the fact that most journalists have never set foot on a farm.
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@ULTweets / Twitter
Also easily mistaken: the word combination of ‘sows and pigs’ (Say it out loud).
This honest but hilarious, mistake has been repeated throughout the last century and beyond.
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@bencasselman / Twitter
A very modern correction
Unlike the “sows and pigs,” which is timeless, the New York Times has issued a correction that happened because of a thoroughly 21st century mix-up.
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@DanCarpenter85 / Twitter
Not @Pimpin4paradise786
When the words “Snapchat” and “Muslim Imams” appear in the same correction, you know it’s going to be weird…
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@_Cailin_Corcoa_ / Twitter
We liked the original report better
But yeah, I bet they do regret it…
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@Gillianmc / Twitter
Might be time to brush up on political science
This is what happens when a non-politico covers politics.
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The Associated Press
This correction needs a picture to go with it
When you’re talking about a misidentified Wookiee, it is a crime not to have a photo.
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@ThunderheadG / Twitter
Actually, your eyes worked perfectly
It’s nice to know the writers aren’t the only ones messing up.
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@JamesMelville / Twitter
When just a few letters make all the difference
These words may look a lot alike, but they are two very different, uh, vocations.
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