Author: Jenny Evans
This giant, spinning ice disk is the zen you need right now
So, it turns out that the weirdest thing in Maine is not Stephen King this winter. No, that title goes to the giant spinning ice disk …
You can still thank Betty White for being a friend on Facebook
My world has been a little darker since Dec. 31, as I’m sure yours probably has been, too. After all, it’s the day the incomparable Betty …
Dad holds baby son without even noticing it’s a doll — and it’s hilarious!
New mom Kristy Scott caught herself wondering. Would her baby grow to live a happy life? Thrive in a world that can be so cruel? Would …
Watch Dolly Parton shut down Barbara Walters with style & grace
Dolly Parton has long been someone to admire. Her talent, her charity work, her kindness and intelligence (not to mention she has written some of the …
Remember that time Burt Reynolds dumped horse manure at The National Enquirer?
Hey, remember that time the most popular kid in school was spreading fake rumors about you so you filled your helicopter with horse manure from …
106-year-old woman credits Jesus & McDonalds for longevity
We imagine Jesus is pretty busy these days, but 106-year-old Dorothy Nedd of Philadelphia has found a way to take a little pressure off the Big …