Author: Opher Ganel
Is a 401(k) really the best retirement account for you?
Is a 401(k) plan worth it? This is a question on the minds of many people trying to decide if this retirement account offered through their …
Retiring soon? These money tips can help
I think I qualify as a near-retiree. Frankly, I could afford to stop working now, if we were willing to give up our dream …
How we became financially independent on an average salary
We owed thousands more than we owned: What’s known as having a negative net worth. And making less than 60% of the median income at the time, things didn’t look …
Why you shouldn’t try to pay off your mortgage too quickly
You’ve seen them. Over and over and over again, so-called personal finance gurus railing against debt. But as I pointed out before, they’re dead wrong (in …
Here’s how much money you really need to retire
The venerable 4% rule isn’t as unassailable as many people think (as Ben Le Fort points out in this article). Image Credit: Prostock-Studio / istockphoto. Definitions and …
7 big mortgage mistakes (and how to avoid them)
Although mortgage interest rates have recently pulled back some, they’re still historically low. When rates were lower yet, I decided to refinance the mortgage on our home. …
7 distractions that could hurt your investments
I was in my early 30s and finally managed to scrape enough money together to start investing. I picked a high-flying mutual fund from PBHG. For a while, …
3 super simple ways to set the right financial goals
If you want to succeed in business, you need to set financial goals. But more than that, you need to set the right ones. How …
How to calculate your personal inflation rate
There’s no two ways about it. Prices are moving up … for some things, by over 50% in the past year! A handy website shows the history …
Inflation isn’t going anywhere. Which price increases really hurt you most?
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) tracks thousands of prices and folds them all into a weighted average they call the consumer price index, or …
5 ways credit cards can help you get out of debt faster
Disclaimer: In order to make Wealthtender free for our readers, we earn money from advertisers including financial professionals who pay to be featured on our platform. …
Figure out how much you need to retire in 9 steps
I love simplicity. But sometimes, even if you avoid the trap of over-simplifying things, the simple answer is far from easy. Case in point: the $1,000-a-month savings retirement rule. If …
Common budgeting mistakes you should avoid at all costs
We had just moved to the U.S. Both of us were 30, and we had two toddlers. We needed to have enough money to buy a used …
Maybe you don’t need a big emergency fund after all
How much you need in a designated emergency fund depends on many factors, not least of which is your level of non-discretionary expenses.